Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/992

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XLVIII International Congress of Arehlteet&-Con. Invitation to forei,m countries to partic- ipate_________________________ _ International Conyentlon for the Safet,. ., Ufe at Sea, amendments to CommuD- it'ntioJls Act of 1934 making effective provisions of. _- - ____ ____ ____ _____ _ International Coancil of SdentiCic UIIIODII, appropriation for contribution _____ _ International Dalr,. Con ...e... Eleventb, II«U., Germu,.. appropriation au- thorized for participation expenses __ _ Appropriation for •• ________________ _ Report to Congress_________________ _ International Expotdtlon. See Pacific Mer- cado. International Elipoal(fon 01 Paris. 1937: Participation by United States- Appropriation for ________________ _ Approval of expenditures __________ _ Delegation of IIUtbOrity, etc., by Commitlliioner General ________ _ HoU8inK, ete., exhibits, additional authority for expenditures for __ Pel'8Onalllervices _________________ _ Return of exhibits at close; disposi- tion of unu.ed property, ete ___ _ International nsberles Conllm88l011, ap- propriation for sbare of expenllCS __ International GeolP'apbleat UnJoa. ap- propriation lor contribution _______ _ International Hydrographic Bureau... ap- propriation for contribution ________ _ International Institute for the Protection of Childhood, American. appropri- ation for contribution _____________ _ International Institute of A....eulture. ap- propriation for contribution ________ _ bten.tiou! Joint Commi88ion. United States and Great Britain, appropri- ation for _________ ____________ _ International Labor OtBee: Appropriation for- COntribution _____________________ _ Liaison with, ellp.>n8C8 ____________ _ Technical Tripartite Textile Confer- ence, 1937, aid in defray!n~ ell- penl!ell of. ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ - _ International Map 01 the World, appropri- ation lor contribution _____________ _ International MoneIarJ .Dd £eo.omle Coalerence. balaDcee continued avail- able for _________________________ _ International Obligatio... &. Glao For- eign Service; State, Department of. Appropriation for- Aerial Legal Expcrta, International Technieal Committee of_______ _ Agricultare, International Inlltitute 0'-__ _ _______ _ rNDE.,{ 441 189 268 249 770 249 22 22 22 22 22 22 271 268 267 267 267 270 268 298 29 267 228 26'2\I 267 i International Obllgations-Continued_ Appropriation for-Continued. Arbitration- Bureau of Interparliamcntary Union for Promotion of TIl- ternational ________________ _ International Bureau of Perma- nentCourt of. _____________ _ Astronomical Union, International __ _ Aviation Conference, Lima, Peru ___ _ Biological Sciences, International Union _______________________ _ Cape Spartcl and Tangier Light, Morocco __________________ _ Chemistry, International Union of_ Childhood, American International Institute for the Protection of_ Customs Tariffs, Intemational Bu- reau for Publication of. ___ ___ _ _ Forest ItclW-arch StatioliS, Int('rna- tional Union ot.. ___________ _ General Claims Convention, United States and Mexico ___________ _ Geodesy and Gcophysicl!, Int~w~ tional Union01. _____________ _ Geographical Union, IntenlationaL _. Gorgas Memorial Laboratory _____ . Hydrographic Bureau, InternationaL Industrial Property, International Bureau for Protection of ______ _ International Boundary CommiHRion, United States and Canada and Alaska and Canada___________ _ International Boundary Commi/l.'Iion, United States and MexiC!. ___ _ _ International Conference of American States, Eighth, Lima, Peru ___ _ International Fisheries CommiliSion_ Ir-terllational Joint Cornmill8ion, United States and Great Brit.ain _ International Lahor Officc ________ . International Seed Testing Congress_ I n~ernational Telecommunication Unioll, Radio Section ________ _ Liquor Traffic in Afri('.8 ., Convention Relating to __________________ _ Map of the World, InterllationaL ___ _ Nareotics Con\'cntion of 1931, Imple- menting___________________ _ Panama, payment to government of _ Pan Institute of Gcogrn- phy and History ____________ _ Pan American Sanitary Bureau ____ _ Pan American Union _____________ .. Penal and Penitentiary Commi8llion, InternationaL _______________ . Permanent International Commil!llion of tileCongrt>.8I!eII of Navigation_ Physics, Intenlationw rniun of _____ _ 267 267 261) 272 268 267 268 267 267 413 271 268 268 267 267 2t)7 270 268 271 271 270 268 409 267 268 267 268 267 268 267 267 268 517 268