Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/321

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IRISH FREE STATE-AIR NAVIGATION-September 29, 1937 November 4, 1937 Arrangement between the United States of America and the Irish Free State respecting air navigation. Effected by exchange of notes signed September 29, 1937, and November 4, 19S7; effective December 4, 1937. The American Minister (Cudahy) to the Ministerfor External Affairs of the Irish Free State (de Valera) No. 7 Sept. 29 and Nov. 4, 1937 [E.A.S.No. 110] LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Dublin, September 29, 1937. EXCELLENCY, Reference is made to the negotiations which have taken place between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Saorstat Eireann 1 for the conclusion of a reciprocal air navigation arrangement between the United States of America and Saorstat Eireann, governing the operation of civil aircraft of the one country in the other country. It is my understanding that it has been agreed in the course of the negotiations, now terminated, that this arrangement shall be as follows: ATirnce 1. Pending the conclusion of a convention between the United States of America and Saorstat Eireann on the subject of air navigation, the operation of civil aircraft of the one country in the other country shall be governed by the following provisions: ARTImLE 2. The present arrangement shall apply to Continental United States of America, exclusive of Alaska, and to Saorstat Eireann, including the territorial waters of the two countries. ARTTCLE 3. The term aircraft with reference to one or the other Party to this arrangement shall be understood to mean civil aircraft, including state aircraft used exclusively for commercial purposes, duly regis- tered in the territory of such Party. ARTICLE 4. Each of the Parties undertakes to grant liberty of passage to and over its territory in time of peace to the aircraft of the other Party, provided that the conditions set forth in the present arrangement are observed. 'The Irish Free State. Reciprocal air navi- gation arngement with the Irish Free State. Tentative provi- sions. Areamaected. Aircraft defined. Liberty of passage. 319