Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/362

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES p.Stat. 3670; ante, 25, 1934, and June 15, 1936 (claims of American citizens; disburse- ments made by the Government of the United States for the protec- tion of Turkish interests abroad) but which, because of its coincidence with the beginning of the Turkish fiscal year, has proved to be, in practice, little suited for making payments of an urgent character, I have the honor to submit to the consideration of your Government the adoption of the date of June 20, which has the advantage of being in a period of inactivity of the interested services, consequent upon the laborious activities imposed upon them by the annual closing of the accounts. I should therefore be grateful to you, Mr. Charge d'Affaires if you would please acknowledge receipt of this communication and inform me of the agreement of your Government with regard to the desig- nation of the date that I have just proposed above. Please accept, Mr. Charge d'Affaires, the assurances of my high consideration.consideration. N. MENEMENCIOGLU. Mr. S. WALTER WASHINGTON, Charge d'Affaires of the United States of America. The American Charge (Kelley) to the Turkish Minister for Foreign Affairs (Aras) No. 104 Consent to change by United States. EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Ankara. November 3. 1937. EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of note No. 29 dated October 1, 1937, from the Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, in which His Excellency referred to the recent exchanges of views be- tween the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Embassy with regard to a slight postponement of the due date (June 1st of each year) of the payments provided for in the Agreements of October 25, 1934 and of June 15, 1936, because that date coincided with the beginning of the Turkish fiscal year and was therefore an inconvenient time on which to make payments of an important nature. The Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs proposed that June 20th, a more con- venient and suitable date, be adopted as that on which the above payments would in future be made. I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that in view of the fore- going considerations my Government has authorized me to consent to a change of the due date for the payment of the annual install- ments under the Agreements of October 25, 1934 and June 15, 1936, from June 1st to June 20th. Consequently my Government con- siders that the Agreements of October 25, 1934 and June 15,1936, have been supplemented to that extent. I avail myself of the opportunity to present to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. ROBERT F. KELLEY His Excellency Dr. TEVFIK RiJSTU ARAS, Ministerfor ForeignAffairs of the Republic of Turkey, Ankara. 360