Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 51.djvu/385

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1937 spaces used for en- 50. Spaces used exclusively for engineer's shops shall be deducted. gneer's shops. This deduction is in no case to exceed 5 percent of the actual pro- pelling machinery space nor be more than 50 tons for any vessel. Space occupied by 51. SEC. 8. The space occupied by donkey engine and boiler shall donkey engine and boiler, etc. be deducted even though not connected with the main pumps of the ship. The space occupied by the pumps used exclusively for handling feed water, ballast, bunker fuel, or for freeing the ship of water shall also be deducted, but the space occupied by the pumps used for han- dling cargo shall not be deducted. Pasages, etc., de- 52. SEC. 9. Passages and passageways designed primarily for signed for serving de- ducted spaces. serving deducted spaces shall be deducted. Water ballast 53. SEC. 10. Water ballast spaces, other than spaces in the vessel's spaces double bottom, shall be deducted if they are adapted only for water ballast, have for entrance only ordinary circular or oval manholes whose greatest diameter does not exceed 30 inches, and are not avail- Peak tanks. able for the carriage of cargo, stores, or fuel. Peak tanks shall also be deducted when adapted only for carrying fresh water for the vessel's own use, can be entered only as above stated, and are not available for the carriage of cargo or fuel. If used to carry oil or other fuel these spaces shall be regarded as part of the vessel's fuel space and shall not be subject to separate deduction. Tonnage of tanks may be obtained by using liquid capacity times the conversion factor with one-sixth off for frames in case of peak tanks and one-twelfth off in case of wings or deep tanks when they cannot be readily measured. Public rooms. 54. SEC. 11. Spaces appropriated to the use of the passengers solely as public rooms shall be deducted. These shall include such spaces as social halls, smoking rooms, music rooms, libraries, lounges, dining saloons, gymnasiums, children's play rooms, elevators, foyers, prome- nades, veranda cafes, bar rooms, barber shops, novelty shops, and passageways designed primarily for serving such spaces. Water closets, toilets, lavatories and wash rooms designed primarily to serve public spaces will be considered as part of the public spaces and be deducted accordingly. Water closets, toilets, lavatories, baths and wash rooms designed primarily to serve nearby staterooms in the same tier will be considered as part of the staterooms they serve and not subject to deduction. Marking and use of THE MARKING AND USE OF DEDUCTED SPACES SHALL BE ACCORDING TO deducted spaces. NATIONAL LAWS Subject to national 55. ART. XI . Each of the spaces enumerated in article X, sections 1 to 11, unless otherwise specifically stated, shall be subject to such conditions and requirements as to marking or designation and use or purpose as are contained in the navigation or registry laws of the several countries, but no space, other than fuel spaces deducted under Pot,p. 385. article XIII of these rules, shall be deducted unless the use to which it is to be exclusively devoted has been appropriately designated by official marking. In no case, however, shall an arbitrary maximum limit be fixed to the aggregate deduction made under article X. Vessels propelled by (B) ADDITIONAL DEDUCTIONS ALLOWED FOR VESSELS PROPELLED BY engines. ENGINES Additional deduc- t ions allowed. 56. ART . XII. The Panama Canal net tonnage upon which tolls and Ante p. 373. other charges based upon tonnage shall be paid by vessels of commerce, Army and Navy transports, colliers, supply ships, and hospital ships, as defined in article I, propelled by engines, for passage through the Panama Canal, shall be the tonnage remaining after the following deductions have been made from the gross tonnage. One hundred 384