Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1015

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 601-JUNE 23, 1938 Title IlI-Powers and Duties of Admin- istrator, p. 985. Title IV-Air Car- rier Economic Regula- tion, p . 987. TITLE III-POWERS AND DUTIES OF ADMINISTRATOR Sec. 301. Fostering of air commerce. Sec. 302. Civil airways and facilities. (a) General. (b) Method of establishment. (c) Airport survey. Sec. 303. Expenditure of Federal funds. Sec. 304. Meteorological service. Sec. 305. Development of facilities. Sec. 306. Collection and dissemination of information. Sec. 307. Development planning. Sec. 308. Other duties of Administrator. TITLE IV-AIR CARRIER ECONOMIC REGULATION Sec. 401. Certificate of public convenience and necessity. (a) Certificate required. (b) Application for certificate. (c) Notice of application. (d) Issuance of certificate. (e) Existing air carriers. (f) Terms and conditions of certificate. (g) Effective date and duration of certificate. (h) Authority to modify, suspend, or revoke. (i) Transfer of certificate. (j) Certain rights not conferred by certificate. (k) Application for abandonment. (1) Compliance with labor legislation. (m) Requirement as to carriage of mail. (n) Application for new mail service. Sec. 402. Permits to foreign air carriers. (a) Permit required. (b) Issu'ance of permit. (c) Existing permits. (d) Application for permit. (e) Notice of application. (f) Terms and conditions of permit. (g) Authority to modify, suspend, or revoke. (h) Transfer of permit. Sec. 403. Tariffs of air carriers. (a) Filing of tariffs required. (b) Observance of tariffs; rebating prohibited. (c) Notice of tariff change. (d) Filing of divisions of rates and charges required. Sec. 404. Rates for carriage of persons and property. (a) Carrier's duty to provide service, rates, and divisions. (b) Discrimination. (c) Foreign rate study. Sec. 405. Transportation of mail. (a) Continuation and termination of mail contracts. (b) Continuation and termination of foreign-mail contracts. (c) Termination of bonds. (d) Rules and regulations. (e) Mail schedules. (f) Maximum mail load. (g) Tender of mail. (h) Foreign postal arrangements. (1) Transportation of foreign mail. (j) Evidence of performance of mail service. (k) Emergency mail service. (1) Experimental air-mail service. (m) Free travel for postal employees. Sec. 406. Rates for transportation of mail. (a) Authority to fix rates. (b) Rate-making elements. (c) Statement of Postmaster General and carrier. (d) Weighing of mail. (e) Availability of appropriations. (f) Payments to foreign air carriers. Sec. 407. Accounts, records, and reports. (a) Filing of reports. (b) Disclosure of stock ownership. (c) Disclosure of stock ownership by officer or director. (d) Form of accounts. (e) Inspection of accounts and property. 974 [52 STAT.