Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1031

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 601-JUNE 23, 1938 Certain rights not conferred by certifi- cate. Certain Rights Not Conferred by Certificate (j) No certificate shall confer any proprietary, property, or exclusive right in the use of any air space, civil airway, landing area, or air-navigation facility. Application for Abandonment Application for abandonment for (k No air carrier shall abandon any route, or part thereof, for which a certificate has been issued by the Authority, unless, upon the application of such air carrier, after notice and hearing, the Authority shall find such abandonment to be in the public interest. Any interested person may file with the Authority a protest or memo- randum of opposition to or in support of any such abandonment. The Authority may, by regulations or otherwise, authorize such temporary suspension of service as may be in the public interest. Compliance With Labor Legislation laborleiationwth (1) (1) Every air carrier shall maintain rates of compensation, maximum hours, and other working conditions and relations of all of its pilots and copilots who are engaged in interstate air trans- portation within the continental United States (not including Alaska) so as to conform with decision numbered 83 made by the National Labor Board on May 10, 1934, notwithstanding any limita- tion therein as to the period of its effectiveness. Rates of compensa- (2) Every air carrier shall maintain rates of compensation for tion, pilots and co- pilots. all of its pilots and copilots who are engaged in overseas or foreign air transportation or air transportation wholly within a Territory or possession of the United States, the minimum of which shall be not less, upon an annual basis, than the compensation required to be paid under said decision 83 for comparable service to pilots and copilots engaged in interstate air transportation within the conti- nental United States (not including Alaska). Collective bargain- (3) Nothing herein contained shall be construed as restricting the right of any such pilots or copilots, or other employees, of any such air carrier to obtain by collective bargaining higher rates of compen- sation or more favorable working conditions or relations. 45 U.S. C., Supp. 3at.sf; Bu1p. (4) It shall be a condition upon the holding of a certificate bv any III, § 18st-188. air carrier that such carrier shall comply with title II of the Railway Labor Act, as amended. finelot," term de- (5) The term "pilot" as used in this subsection shall mean an employee who is responsible for the manipulation of or who manipu- lates the flight controls of an aircraft while under way including " Copilot. " take-off and landing of such aircraft, and the term "copilot" as used in this subsection shall mean an employee any part of whose duty is to assist or relieve the pilot in such manipulation, and who is properly qualified to serve as, and holds a currently effective airman certificate authorizing him to serve as, such pilot or copilot. Requirement as to Carriage of Mail careirement a to (m) Whenever so authorized by its certificate, any air carrier shall provide necessary and adequate facilities and service for the trans- portation of mail, and shall transport mail whenever required by the Postmaster General. Such air carrier shall be entitled to receive reasonable compensation therefor as hereinafter provided. Application for New Mail Service mf'PUet" for""ow (n) Whenever, from time to time, the Postmaster General shall find that the needs of the Postal Service require the transportation of mail by aircraft between any points within the United States or between 990 [52 STAT.