Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1147

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 680-JUNE 25, 1938 to the city of Washington or elsewhere for conference or advisory purposes in furthering the work of the Board; when found by the Board to be in the interest of the Government, not exceeding 3 per centum, in any fiscal year, of the amounts credited during such year ontract, etc., serv- to the fund, for engaging persons or organizations, by contract or otherwise, for any special technical or professional services, deter- mined necessary by the Board, including but not restricted to account- ing, actuarial, statistical, and reporting services, without regard to RS.: S. 37 9. section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U. S . C., title 41, sec. 5) and the provisions of other laws applicable to the employment and com- pensation of officers and employees of the United States; services; advertising, postage, telephone, telegraph, teletype, and other com- munication services and tolls; supplies; reproducing, photographing, and all other equipment, office appliances, and labor-saving devices, Vehicles. including devices for internal communication and conveyance; pur- chase and exchange, operation, maintenance and repair of motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles to be used only for official pur- Printing and bind- poses in the District of Columbia and in the field; printing and bind- ing. ing; purchase and exchange of law books, books of reference, and Newspapers, etc. directories; periodicals, newspapers and press clippings, in such amounts as the Board deems necessary, without regard to the provi- R. S. 192. sions of section 192 of the Revised Statutes; manuscripts and special U. S. 02. reports; membership fees or dues in organizations which issue pub- lications to members only, or to members at a lower price than to others, payment for which may be made in advance; rentals, includ- Civil sevice exam- ing garages, in the District of Columbia or elsewhere; alterations and inations. repairs; if found by the Board to be necessary to expedite the cer- tification to the Board by the Civil Service Commission of persons eligible to be employed by the Board, and to the extent that the Board finds such expedition necessary, meeting the expenses of the Civil Service Commission in holding examinations for testing the fitness of applicants for admission to the classified service for employ- ment by the Board pursuant to the second paragraph of section 12 (1) of this Act, but not to exceed the additional expenses found by the Board to have been incurred by reason of the holdin g of such examinations; and miscellaneous items, including those for public proro. instruction and information deemed necessary by the Board: Pro- Minor purchases. vided, That section 3709 of Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title 41, sec. 5) R. S.1 3709. 41U. 8. C .S. shall not be construed to apply to any purchase or procurement of supplies or services by the Board from moneys in the fund when the acetetrmination of aggregate amount involved does not exceed $300. Determinations of the Board whether the fund or an appropriation for the administra- 50Stat.307;49ta tion of the Railroad Retirement Act of 1937 and the Railroad 45 U..C., uSpp. Retirement Act of 1935 is properly chargeable with the authorized ch.9 . expenses, or parts thereof, incurred in the administration of such Acts, or of this Act, shall be binding and conclusive for all purposes and upon all persons, including the Comptroller General and any other administrative or accounting officer, employee, or agent of the United States, and shall not be subject to review in any manner. of excess edidto (d) No part of the fund shall lapse at any time, or be carried t und. to the surplus fund or any other fund, except that at the expiration of the fiscal year 1946, and of each fiscal year thereafter, there shall be transferred from the fund and credited to the account such part as the Board deems proper of the excess, if any, of the amount credited to the fund during the preceding seven fiscal years pursuant to sec- tion 8 (f) of this Act over the total amount expended by the Board during the same period for the purpose of administering this Act. 1106 [52 STAT.