Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1231

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 692-JUNE 25, 1938 Delivery of prop (c) Any officer or employee of the United States in possession of any such property may deliver same to the executor (or the admin- istrator with will annexed) who shall have qualified in either juris- diction as provided in (a) hereof; or if none such then to the domiciliary administrator or to any other qualified administrator No Federal liabili- who shall demand such property. When delivery shall have been ty. made to any such executor or administrator in accordance herewith neither the United States nor any officer or employee thereof shall be liable therefor. Disposal of dece- SEC. 2 . Notwithstanding the provisions of section 1 of this Act dent's property left or hr found upon premises. the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs is hereby authorized as here- inafter in this Act provided and limited to dispose of the personal property of such decedent left or found upon such premises. Transfer to person (a) If any veteran (admitted as a veteran), upon his last admis- ted by vet- sion to, or during his last period of maintenance in, a Veterans' Administration facility shall have designated in writing a person (natural or corporate) to whom he desires his personal property situated upon such facility to be delivered, upon the death of such veteran the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs or employee of the Veterans' Administration authorized by him so to act, may transfer possession of such personal property to the person so designated. if person designated If there exists no person so designated by the veteran or if the one does not exist or fails torequestsuch prop so designated declines to receive such property, or if he has failed erty to request such property within ninety days after the Veterans' Administration mails to such designate a notice of death and of the fact of such designation, a description of the property, and an esti- mate of transportation cost, which shall be paid by such designate if required under the regulations hereinafter mentioned, or if the Disposition if Administrator declines to transfer possession to such designate, pos- clines to transltr to session of such property may in the discretion of the Administrator such designate of Veterans' Affairs, or his designated subordinate, be transferred to the following persons in the order and manner herein specified unless the parties otherwise agree as in this Act provided, namely, executor or administrator or if no notice of appointment received, to the widow (or widower), child, grandchild, mother, father, grand- If two or more per- mother, grandfather, brother, or sister of the veteran. In case two sons request the prop- ertyn or more of those named above request the property, only one shall be entitled to possession thereof and in the order hereinbefore set forth, unless they otherwise agree in writing delivered to the Vet- mrlai by two tor erans' Administration. If claim be made by two or more such equal priorities. relatives having equal priorities, as hereinabove prescribed, or if there be conflicting claims the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs or his designated subordinate may in such case select the one to receive such possession, or may make delivery as may be agreed upon by those entitled, or may in his discretion withhold delivery from them and require the qualification of an administrator or executor of the veteran's estate and thereupon make delivery to such. Sale of unclaimed (b) If the property of any decedent is not so delivered or claimed pr. and accepted the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs or the employee authorized by him may dispose of such property by public or private sale in accordance with the provisions of this Act and regulations to be prescribed by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs pursuant hereto. Terms osale. (c) All sales authorized by this Act shall be for cash upon delivery at the premises where sold and without warranty, express or implied. Dlispion doPr The proceeds of such sales after payment of any expenses incident thereto as may be prescribed by regulations, together with any other moneys left or found on a facility, not disposed of in accordance with this Act, shall be credited to the general post fund, National Homes, [52 STAT.