Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1535

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1499 52 STAT.] CUBA-EXCHANGE OF PUBLICATIONS-MAY 4, 12, 193S SECRETARIA DE COMERCIO. Revista de la Secretaria. SECRETARfA DE SANIDAD Y BENEFICENCIA. Boletines e Informaciones de la Secretaria de Sanidad. SECRETARfA DE AGRICULTURA. Revista de la Secretaria. UNIVERSIDAD DE LA HABANA. Revista de la Universidad. ACADEMIA DE LA HISTORIA. Anales de la Academia de la Historia. ACADEMIA NACIONAL DE ARTES Y LETRAS. Anales de la Academia Nacional de Artes y Letras. [Translationi REPUBLIC OF CUBA DEPARTMENT OF STATE 924 HABANA, May 4, 1938. MR. AMBASSADOR: With reference to your Embassy's memorandum of October 18 last, I have the honor to advise Your Excellency that the Cuban Gov- ernment is in agreement with the exchange of official publications proposed by Your Excellency's Government, to which the said memorandum refers, and for that purpose I take pleasure in making the following a matter of record: There shall be an exchange of official publications between the Government of Cuba and the Government of the United States of America, which shall be conducted under the following terms: 1. The official exchange office on the part of Cuba is the Office of the Director of Cultural Relations of the Department of State. The official exchange office on the part of the United States is the Smith- sonian Institution. 2. The exchange sendings shall be received on behalf of Cuba by the Department of State; on behalf of the United States by the Library of Congress. 3. The Government of Cuba will furnish regularly in one copy the official publications of the departments, offices, and institutions which appear in the attached list (List No. 1). 1 This list shall be extended to include, without the necessity of subsequent negotiations, any other official publication not specified in the same or [any publication] of new offices which the Government may create in the future. 4. The United States Government will furnish regularly in one copy a full set of the official publications of the departments, offices, and institutions which appear in the attached list (List No. 2). 2 This 1 For list, see p. 1500 . 2 For list as furnished by the Government of the United States of America, see p. 1502 .