Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1559

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1523 52 STAT.] CZECHOSLOVAKIA-MOTION PICTURE FILMS-MAY 18, 1938 committee (Film Advisory Committee). Such screening shall be at the expense of the importer as provided for in the note to Paragraph I of the agreement. After approval of the importer's application the Ministry of Commerce will issue an import permit to the importer, upon payment of the import permit fee provided for in Para- graph I of the agreement. b) The importer may then clear the film in question through the customs and submit it to the Board of Censors of the Ministry of the Interior. Every effort shall be made to expedite the screening and censorship of exposed motion picture films produced in the United States of America and they shall be accorded screening and censorship treat- ment no less favorable than that accorded films of Czechoslovak origin, or any other origin. There shall be no obligation to screen dubbed versions of exposed motion picture films produced in the United States of America before the consultative committee (Film Advisory Committee) of the Min- istry of Commerce. Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. WILBUR J. CARR, Envoy Extraordinaryand Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States of America. His Excellency Dr. KAMIL KROFTA, Czechoslovak Minister of ForeignAffairs, Praha. The Czechoslovak Minister of Foreign Affairs (Krofta) to the American Minister (Carr) Cis. 60.931/IV-5/38. MINISTERSTVO ZAHRANI6NfCH VEcf V Praze dne 18. kvetna 1938. EXCELENCE, Odvolavaje se na dohodu, podepsanou dne 18. kvetna 1938 v Praze za republikou Ceskoslovenskou a vlAdu Spojenrch statf americkych o tom, kterak se bude naprfftW nakladati s osvftlenymi kinemato- grafickymi filmy, vyrobenymi ve Spojenych stAtech americkych, pri jejich dovozu do republiky Ceskoslovensk6, mam cest potvrditi, ze pri dovozu osvetlenych kinematografickSch film&i, vyrobenfch ve Spojenych statech americkych, do republiky Ceskoslovenske bude zachovavan tento administrativni postup: a/ dovozce bude pfedkladati 1zdost za povoleni dovozu primo ministerstvu obchodu, kter6 zaridi, aby film byl predveden filmov6mu Poradnimu sboru. Naklady tohoto piedvedeni ponese dovozce podle ustanoveni poznamky k clanku I dohody. Ministerstvo obchodu vyda--vyfidi-li kladn6 dovozcovu &zdost-dovozni povoleni, zaplati-li dovozce dovozni povolo- vaci poplatek ustanoveny clankem I dohody. b/ Dovozce bude pak moci film procliti a pfedloziti jej cen- surnimu Poradnimu sboru pri ministerstvu vnitra.