Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1672

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1636 Motion Picture Films, agreement with Czechoslovakia respecting ---- _---- Motor Carrier Act, 1935, Amendments: Aircraft, transportation of persons or property when incidental to trans- portation by; services excluded from operation of Act ---------- Certificate of convenience and neces- sity, application for -_. . --- -. --- . Certificates, permits, etc., duration; sus- pension, revocation, etc---------- Commission, powers of-----------_ -- Consolidations, mergers, etc., applica- tion; hearing, etc--------------- Contract carriers, necessity of permits - Control or management in a common interest of two or more carriers unlawful---------------------- Investigation and determination of violations by Commission______ - . Hearings ------------------------- Identification plates, display of; regula- .." tions------------------------ Initial schedules filed on or before July 31, 1938 ---------------- Joint boards; rights, duties, jurisdiction, etc--------------------------- Livestock, fish, etc., vehicles used in con- veyance of, exempted - __--- --- -- ..- Motor vehicle" defined------------- Notice of proceeding and opportunity for hearing_:_ -- _ ---

': Rates, fares, etc., burden of proof at hearing for increase. ---------- Schedules, initial, filed on or before July 31, 1938 ----------------- .- - - - Securities, issuance of__- - _- - - - - - - Services excluded from operation of Act; transportation of persons or prop- erty when incidental to transporta- tion by aircraft--------------- Temporary operating authority, dura- tion ----------------

Consolidations and mergers, pending determination of application --- Rules, etc., applicable during- ---- Motor Transport Regulation, appropria- INDEX 1517 1029 1238 1238 1237 1239 1238 1239 1240 1237 1240 1240 1237 1237 1237 1238 1240 1240 1240 1029 1238 1238 1238 tionfor-----.-------------- 86, 419 Motor Vehicles, etc., investigation of dis- tribution practices by Federal Trade Commission--_ __- -_ -_ -- -- -- -- -- -- - Appropriation authorized---- __ - _ _- - Mount Harney Memorial Association, taking over of property of, by Mount Rushmore National Memorial Com- mission, authorized ___-- _- _ -- Mount McKinley National Park, Alaska, appropriation for administration, etc- Mount Olympus National Monument, .: Wash., abolished; transfer of lands-- 218 218 694 332 1241 Mnlunt Rainiper Md.. .nnrnnri.inf.n fnr nn.v- Page ment of cost of construction of outlet sewer through--------------------- 165 Mount Rainier National Park, Wash., ap- propriation for administration, etc- _ _ 332 Mount Rushmore Memorial Act of 1938: Appropriation authorized ------------ 695 Appropriation for------------------ 1128 Commission, powers and duties of ----- 694 Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission, appropriation for-_ - 294, 1128 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, ap- propriation for maintenance, etc----- 335 Moyer, John, payment to-------------- 1384 Mudge, W. C., Jr., payment to -- __- ---


Muhlenberg, Peter Gabriel (Gen.), appro- priation authorized for erection of monument to memory of, at Wood- stock, Va -------

767 Muir Wood Toll Road, Calif., expenditure authorized for Federal cooperation in acquisition of; conditions --------- _ .1214 Muldowney, Michael J., payment to---- 1428 Mules, disposition of, if unfit for service- _ 693 Munitions of War, educational orders with commercial concerns authorized---- 707 Appropriations authorized ---------- - 708 Appropriation for ---------------- 1153 Munro, Donald (Dr.), payment to------- 1349 Murrah, Jane, payment to -------- --


Muskingum Conservancy District, Ohio, reimbursement for expenditures in acquisition of lands, easements, etc., authorized ---------------------- 1217 Muskingum River, Ohio, examination au- thorized --------

1224 Mutual Insurance Companies, taxes. See Income Tax, Insurance Companies. Mutual Investment Companies, taxes. See Income Tax. Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund, crea- tion, use, amount, etc-------------- 10 Mycology and Disease Survey, appropria- tion for--------------------------- 724 Myers, J. L., payment to------------- 1264 Mystic River, Mass., improvement au- thorized---.--------------------- 803 N Napa River, Calif., examination author- ized------------------------------ Naples, Fla., channel, improvement au- thorized to Big Marco Pass--------- Narcotic Farm, United States, Fort Worth, Tex., name changed to United States Public Health Service Hospital ---- Narcotics, Bureau of, appropriationfor-- .. Narcotics Convention of 1931, appropria- tion for implementing------------- 1225 134 128 254 Pft- I