Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/1716

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INDEX Vessels-Continued. Yachts, tugs, and unrigged vessels- Able seamen in deck crew--------- Service and rating, requirements-- Definitions ----------------------- Engrossed bill, return of, requested-- Unrigged vessels- Continuous discharge book require- ments not to apply--------- Crew quarters ----------------- Veterans. See also Veterans' Administra- tion; World War Veterans. Confederate. See Confederate Veter- ans. Insurance litigation, appropriation for expenses incident to ------------ Pensions, death resulting from service prior to Apr. 21, 1898, rates------- Regulation No. 10, amendment------- Disability due to venereal disease--- "In line of duty" construed-------- Spanish American, Philippine Insur- rection, China Relief Expedition, pensions and increases in pensions granted ----------------------- Veterans' Administration. See also Vet- erans. Appropriation for- Adjusted service and dependent pay_ Administration, medical, hospital, and domiciliary services ------- Page 753 754 754 1450 754 754 261 1214 754 755 754 440 430 428 Audited claims --------------- 96, 101 Damage claims------------------ 93, 1155 Hospital and domiciliary facilities--- 430 Insurance, military and naval------- 430 Judgments -------------------- 95, 1156 Pensions ------------------------ 430 Printing and binding -------------- 429 Army hospitals, additional details for care of patients in--------------- 664 Facilities of, vesting of title and disposi- tion of personal property left or found on premises--------------- 1189 Administration of estates, relinquish- ment of certain jurisdiction pre- viously ceded to United States-- 1192 Definitions--------------------- - 1192 Disposition by will; if no will ------ 1189 Delivery of property------------- 1190 Forwarding of decedent's effects; pay- ment of charges--------------- 1192 Notice of provisions to be given per- sons having or bringing property on premises----------------- -1191 Property left or found on premises, disposition ---- - ---- ---- ---- 1190 Property remaining unsold, disposi- tion ------------------ -- 1191 Recognition of claim filed within 5 years---------------------- 1191 Veterans' Administration-Continued. Page Facilities of, etc. - Continued. Property left or found on premises, disposition-Continued. Transfer to person designated by veteran ------------ __----- 1190 Unclaimed property, sale of___ 1190, 1191 Credit of proceeds ------------- 1190 Regulations ---------------------- 1192 Sales, notice of------------------ -1192 Separability provision ------------- 1192 Unclaimed property, disposition, etc- 1191 Insurance contracts, compromise judg- ments ------------------------ _ 81 New construction, restriction on______ -429 Technical assistants, amount available for employment of--------------- 430 Transferoflandto,fromFort Miley, Calif_ 247 Veterans' Bureau, appropriation for au- dited claims---------------------- 96 Veterans of Foreign Wars, loan of Army equipment for encampment of, at Columbus, Ohio, authorized--------- 693 Vice President of the United States: Appropriation for- Compensation ------------- _------ 411 Mileage------------------------- 381 Office of ------------------------- 381 Portrait, procurement of----------- 1114 Village Delivery Service: Appropriation for------ ------------- 143 Correction in enrollment of bill relating to, directed--------------------- 1453 Vint, Alpha, payment to guardian of --- 1377 Violet Canal Route, La., examination au- thorized------------------------- 807 Virgin Islands: Appropriation for- Agricultural experiment station, etc., maintenance------------------ 340 Governor, etc., salaries------------- 339 Municipal governments, defraying deficits of _------------------- 340 Road construction----------------- 1135 District Court of, appellate jurisdiction of circuit courts of appeals to review by appeal final decisions--------- 780 Venereal diseases, allotment to, for investigation and control --------- 439 Virgin River, Nev., Ariz., and Utah, exam- ination authorized ---------------- 1225 Virginia: Appropriation for administration, Shen- andoah National Park------------ 332 Cape Henry Memorial site, transfer to Department of the Interior au- thorized----------------------- 695 Colonial National Historical Park, revi- sion of boundaries. -- -- -- -- -- -- 1208 Acquisition of land..--------------- 1209