Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/352

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75TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 187---AY 9, 1938 all other necessary miscellaneous expenses which are not included under the above special heads, $790,000, to be immediately available and to remain available until June 30, 1940: Provided, That a report shall be made to Congress covering expenditures from the amount herein provided for relief of destitution: Provided further, That hereafter when appropriations for any fiscal year for the benefit of natives of Alaska under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior have not been made prior to the 1st day of March preceding the beginning of such fiscal year, the Secretary of the Interior may authorize such officer or officers as may be designated by him to incur obligations for the purchase of materials, supplies, and equipment not to exceed 75 per centum of the amount available for such pur- poses for the fiscal year then current, payments of these obligations to be made from the appropriations for the new fiscal year when they become available. CONSERVATION OF HEALTH For conservation of health among Indians, including equipment, materials, and supplies; repairs and improvements to buildings and plants; compensation and traveling expenses of officers and employees and renting of quarters for them when necessary; transportation of patients and attendants to and from hospitals and sanatoria; return- ing to their former homes and interring the remains of deceased patients; and not exceeding $25,000 for clinical surveys and general medical research in connection with tuberculosis, trachoma, and venereal and other disease conditions among Indians, including coop- eration with State and other organizations engaged in similar work and payment of traveling expenses and per diem of physicians, nurses, and other persons whose services are donated by such organi- zations, and including printing and binding circulars and pamphlets for use in preventing and suppressing trachoma and other contagious and infectious diseases, $5,024,000, including not to exceed $3,735,320 for the following-named hospitals and sanatoria: Arizona: Indian Oasis Hospital, $27,260; Kayenta Sanatorium, $52,000; Fort Defiance Sanatorium and Southern Navajo General Hospital, $268,780; Phoenix Sanatorium, $107,560; Pima Hospital, $27,600; Truxton Canyon Hospital, $14,000; Western Navajo Hos- pital, $35,700; Chin Lee Hospital, $15,000; Fort Apache Hospital, $29,700; Hopi Hospital, $40,000; Leupp Hospital, $27,800; San Carlos Hospital, $32,300; Tohatchi Hospital, $17,200; Colorado River Hospital, $20,000; San Xavier Sanatorium, $44,200; Phoenix Hos- pital, $42,000; Winslow Sanatorium, $54,960; California: Hoopa Valley Hospital, $25,000; Soboba Hospital, $26,000; Fort Bidwell Hospital, $25,000; Fort Yuma Hospital, $22,000; Colorado: Ute Mountain Hospital, $15,000; Edward T. Taylor Hospital, $25,000; Idaho: Fort Lapwai Sanatorium, $90,000; Fort Hall Hospitals, $14,000; Iowa: Sac and Fox Sanatorium, $79,000; Minnesota: Pipestone Hospital, $22,500; Cass Lake Hospital, $30,000; Fond du Lac Hospital, $27,000; Red Lake Hospital, $22,500; White Earth Hospital, $22,000; Mississippi: Choctaw Hospital, $26,000; Montana: Blackfeet Hospital, $45,000; Fort Peck Hospital, $26,400; Crow Hospital, $34,000; Fort Belknap Hospital, $30,000; Tongue River Hospital, $28,000; Nebraska: Winnebago Hospital, $47,000; Provisos. Report to Congress. Authority to incur obligations. Conservation of health. Designated ex- penses. Suppressing tra- choma, etc. Allotments to speci- fied hospitals. Arizona. California. Colorado. Idaho. Iowa. Minnesota; Mississippi. Montana. Nebraska. 311 52 STAT. ]