Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/460

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 259-MAY 23, 1938 matic train-stop or train-control devices which comply with specifica- tions and requirements prescribed by the Commission, including investigations and tests pertaining to block-signal and train-control systems, as authorized by the joint resolution approved June 30, 1906 (45 U. S. C. 35), and including the employment of the necessary engi- neers, and for traveling expenses, $100,000, of which amount not to exceed $40,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. Locomotive inspection: For all authorized expenditures under the provisions of the Act of February 17, 1911, entitled "An Act to promote the safety of employees and travelers upon railroads by compelling common carriers engaged in interstate commerce to equip their locomotives with safe and suitable boilers and appurtenances thereto" (45 U. S . C . 22), as amended by the Act of March 4, 1915 extending "the same powers and duties with respect to all parts and appurtenances of the locomotives and tender" (45 U. S . . 30), and amendment of June 7, 1924 (45 U. S. C . 27), providing for the appointment from time to time by the Interstate Commerce Com- mission of not more than fifteen inspectors in addition to the number authorized in the first paragraph of section 4 of the Act of 1911 (45 U. S. C. 26), and the amendment of June 27, 1930 (45 U. S. C. 24, 26), including such legal technical, stenographic, and clerical help as the business of the offices of the chief inspector and his two assistants may require and for traveling expenses, $471,000, of which amount not to exceed $71,450 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. Valuation of property of carriers: To enable the Interstate Com- merce Commission to carry out the objects of the Act entitled "An Act to amend an Act entitled 'An Act to regulate commerce' approved February 4, 1887, and all Acts amendatory thereof, by providing for a valuation of the several classes of property of carriers subject thereto and securing information concerning their stocks, bonds, and other securities", approved March 1, 1913, as amended by the Act of June 7, 1922 (49 U. S. C . 19a), and by the "Emergency Railroad Transportation Act, 1933" (48 Stat., p. 221), including one director of valuation at $10,000 per annum, and traveling expenses, $640,000. Air mail: To enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to per- form the duties imposed upon it by the Act approved June 12, 1934, entitled "An Act to revise air-mail laws, and to establish a Com- mission to make a report to the Congress recommending an aviation policy" (39 U. S . C. 469-469q), as amended by the Act approved August 14, 1935, entitled "An Act to amend the air-mail laws and to authorize the extension of the Air Mail Service" (39 U. S . C . 469d- 469m), including field hearings, field audits, traveling expenses, con- tract stenographic reporting services; office supplies and equipment; purchase and exchange of books, reports, and periodicals- $200,000, of which amount not to exceed $165,000 may be expended for per- sonal services in the District of Columbia, exclusive of special counsel or special aviation assistants for which the expenditure shall not exceed $20,000. Motor transport regulation: For all authorized expenditures neces- sary to enable the Interstate Commerce Commission to carry out the provisions of the Motor Carrier Act, approved August 9, 1935 (49 U. S . C . 301-327), including one director at $10,000 per annum and other personal services in the District of Columbia and else- where; traveling expenses; supplies; services and equipment; not to exceed $1,000 for purchase and exchange of books, reports, and periodicals; contract stenographic reporting services; purchase (not Vehicles. 419 Block-signal, etc., systems. 34 Stat. 838 . 45U.S.C.§35. Services in the Dis- trict. Locomotive inspec- tion. 36 Stat. 913; 38 Stat. 1192; 40 Stat. 616; 43 Stat. 659; 46 Stat. 822. 45U.S.C.§§22,30, 27. Additional inspec- tors. 36 Stat. 914; 43 Stat. 659; 46 Stat. 823. 45 U.S. C. §§26,24. Services in the Dis- trict. Valuation of prop- erty of carriers. 37 Stat. 701; 40 Stat. 270; 42 Stat. 624 . 49U. S. C. §19a. Emergency Rail- road Transportation Act, 1933. 48 Stat. 221. Air mail. 48 Stat. 933, 1243. 39 US. C.C. 489- 469q. 49 Stat. 614. 39 U. S. C., Supp. III,§} 469a-469m. Field hearings, etc. Services in the Dis- trict. Motor transport regulation, expenses. 49 Stat. 543. 49 U. S. C., Supp. mi,§o 301-327. Services in the Dis- trict.