Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/655

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 321-JUNE 7, 1938 REQUIREMENTS TO PRACrICE Requrements to SSx. 7 . Before any person may practice or teach cosmetology or manage a beauty shop, such person shall file with the Board a written application for registration, accompanied by a health certificate issued by a registered licensed physician of the District of Columbia, under oath, on a form which shall be prescribed and supplied by the Board and such applicant shall submit satisfactory proof of the required Registation fee; e age, educational qualifications, and be of good moral character, shall Bess U deposit with the said Board the registration fee, and pass an exam- ination as to fitness to practice or teach cosmetology or manage a beauty shop, as hereinafter provided in this Act. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR EXAMINATION Eigibility require- SEC. 8. No person shall be permitted by the Board to take an exam- ti on. ination to receive a certificate as an operator unless such person shall be at least sixteen years of age, of good moral character, has received an education equivalent to the completion of the eighth grade of . tadent training. elementary school, and either has been registered as a student and has had training, as hereinafter provided in this Act, in a school of Apprenticeship cosmetology duly registered by the Board or has been registered and served as an apprentice at least eight months as hereinafter provided wr provision. in this Act: Provided, however, That the Board may permit a person to take an examination without the prior studentship or apprentice- ship herein required if such person shall establish, to the satisfaction of the Board, that he or she has been an operator in the active practice of cosmetology for at least twenty-four months within the five years tcao eth edU- next preceding the effective date of this Act. No person shall be permitted to take an examination for a certificate to teach cosmetology or act as manager of a beauty shop unless such person shall be at least eighteen years of age, of good moral character, has received an education equivalent to the completion of the eighth grade of ele- mentary school, and either has had at least three years' experience as an operator in a beauty shop or has served as such operator in a registered beauty shop for a period of not less than six months and shall have a training in a registered school of cosmetology of not less than two thousand hours, including the hours of study necessary to Of qutlfrca tlon become an operator. The sufficiency of the qualifications of applicants for admission to the examination or for registration shall be deter- mined by the Board, but the Board may delegate the authority to determine the sufficiency of such requirements to the secretary of the Board subject to such provisions as the Board shall make for appeal to the Board. LIMITED CERTIFICATES lamited orti SEo. 9. A limited certificate of registration to manicure the nails only may be applied for and granted under all of the terms and con- ditions of this Act, except that the examination therefor may be limited to such practice only and the required schooling shall be not less than one hundred hours. A limited certificate of registration for any one or a combination of practices as license is applied for may be granted under all of the terms and conditions of this Act, except that the examination therefor shall be limited to the subjects m question, and a proportionate number of hours of training as deter- mined by the Board shall be required. Schools of oine REQUREMENTS OF A SCHOOL OF COSMEOLOGY tonmy. ttef SEC. 10. No school of cosmetology shall be granted a certificate of registration unless it shall attach to its staff as a consultant a person licensed by the District of Columbia to practice medicine and surgery 614 [52 STAT.