Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/719

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 356-358-JUNE 14, 1938 U se; reversionary provision. June 14, 1938 s. 3242] [Public, No. 599] Battleship "Ore- gon". Appropriation au- thorized for providing permanent mooring. Removal from pres- ent berth. Proviso. Local cooperation. reconstructed center line of the Oregon Coast Highway at Engineer's Station 7+64.1; thence east along the south line of said twelve-foot roadway a distance of one hundred and fifty-four and four-tenths feet to the center of the old county road; thence north thirty-eight degrees west along the center of the county road a distance of fifteen and two-tenths feet to the north line of said twelve-foot roadway; thence west along said north line a distance of one hundred and forty-six and eight-tenths feet to a point which is forty feet distant westerly from (when measured at right angles to) the center line of said Oregon Coast Highway; thence parallel to said highway center line on a two thousand nine hundred and four and eight- tenths-foot radius curve left (the long chord of which bears south eight degrees eighteen minutes east five and eighty-seven one- hundredths feet) a distance of five and nine-tenths feet; thence south eight degrees twenty-one minutes east parallel to said center line a distance of six and three-tenths feet to the point of beginning, containing forty-two one-thousandths acre. SEC. 2. The parcel of land authorized to be conveyed by the first section of this Act shall be used for highway purposes, and the deed executed by the Secretary shall contain the express condition that if such parcel of land is used for any other purpose it shall revert to the United States. Approved, June 14, 1938. [CHAPTER 357] AN ACT To aid in providing a permanent mooring for the battleship Oregon. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $25,000, to be expended by the Secretary of War, or, in his discretion, by the State of Oregon under his supervision, for the purposes of (1) preparing and con- structing a suitable and permanent mooring for the battleship Oregon at a site which has been dedicated for such purpose by the city of Portland, Oregon, and (2) removing such battleship from her present berth in the Willamette River at Portland, Oregon, to such mooring: Provided, That no money appropriated under authority of this Act shall be expended until local interests have provided such additional funds as in the opinion of the Secretary of War are necessary to insure completion of the work. Approved, June 14, 1938. [CHAPTER 358] June 14,138 AN ACT Is. 38821 Amending the Act authorizing the collection and publication of cotton statistics [Public, No. G0] by requiring a record to be kept of bales ginned by counties. Cotton statistics. 43 Stat. 32 . 13U.8.C.§74. Ginners, record of county in which cot- ton grown required; report. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That an Act authorizing the Director of the Census to collect and publish statistics of cotton, approved April 2, 1924, be amended by adding at the end of section 4 thereof the following: "It shall also be the duty of every cotton ginner to keep a record of the county or parish in which each bale of cotton ginned by him is grown and to report at the March canvass of each year a segrega- tion of the total number of bales ginned by counties or parishes in which grown." Approved, June 14, 1938. 678 [52 STAT.