Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/824

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 31) SESS.-COH. 530-JUNE 20, 1938 17. Exactly three hundred and twenty-six degrees and thirty-one minutes exactly five thousand two hundred and forty-eight feet along the land of Kahaualea; 18. Exactly three hundred and fifty-nine degrees and fifteen minutes exactly four hundred and forty-five feet along the land of Kahaualea; 19. Exactly three hundred and twenty-nine degrees exactly two thousand two hundred and eleven feet along the land of Kahaualea; 20. Two hundred and thirty-four degrees thirty-nine minutes and forty seconds exactly three thousand two hundred and eighty-three feet across portion of the land of Kahaualea; 21. Exactly three hundred and thirty-eight degrees and twelve minutes three thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven and five- tenths feet along the land of Kapaahu; 22. Exactly three hundred and thirty-four degrees and thirty minutes exactly one thousand seven hundred and eighty feet along the land of Kapaahu to the south corner of grant 3208 to West Kaloi; 23. Exactly three hundred and thirty-one degrees and thirty min- utes five thousand and ninety-seven and eight-tenths feet along the land of Kapaahu to a point near seacoast; thence 24. To and along the seacoast at high-water mark to the point of beginning, the true azimuth and distance being: Exactly fifty-three degrees and eighteen minutes three thousand three hundred and sixty- four feet. Area, forty-nine thousand three hundred and forty acres. Footprint extension: Beginning at the northeast corner of this tract of land, at a point on the west edge of the Keamoku Aa Flow (lava flow of 1823), and on the westerly boundary of Hawaii National Park, Kilauea section, as described in Governor's Executive Order 86, the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government sur- vey triangulation station Uwekahuna, being four thousand seven hundred and six and six-tenths feet south and seventeen thousand nine hundred and seventy and three-tenths feet west, and the true azimuth and distance from said point of beginning to Government survey triangulation station Ohaikea being one hundred and sixty-six degrees and twenty minutes exactly six thousand three hundred and fifty feet, as shown on Government survey registered map 2388, and running by azimuths measured clockwise from true south- 1. Three hundred and forty-six degrees and twenty minutes exactly fourteen thousand two hundred and fifty-eight feet along Hawaii National Park, Kilauea section, as described in Governor's Executive Order 86; 2. Fifty degrees and twenty-five minutes exactly twenty-seven thousand six hundred and fifteen feet along Hawaii National Park, Kilauea section, as described in Governor's Executive Order 81, thence along the remainder of the Government land of Kapapala to the point of beginning as follows: 3. One hundred and ninety-one degrees no minutes and twenty seconds thirteen thousand five hundred and forty-four and five-tenths feet to a pipe at fence corner a little southwest of the old halfway house and about twenty feet southeast of the edge of the Government main road; 4. Two hundred and thirty-four degrees and twenty-five minutes one thousand three hundred and seventy-seven and five-tenths feet to a pipe on a mound of pahoehoe about ninety feet southeast of the Government main road; 5. Two hundred and twenty degrees and forty minutes exactly one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven feet crossing the Govern- 783 Footprint extension.