Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/882

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 575-JUNE 22, 1938 "(9) 'Court' shall mean the judge or the referee of the court of "Court." bankruptcy in which the proceedings are pending; "(10) 'Courts of bankruptcy' shall include the district courts of the Courts of bank- United States and of the Territories and possessions to which this Act is or may hereafter be applicable, and the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia; "(11) 'Creditor' shall include anyone who owns a debt, demand, "reditor. or claim provable in bankruptcy, and may include his duly author- ized agent, attorney, or proxy; "(12) 'Date of adjudication' shall mean the date of entry of the "Date of adjudica- decree of adjudication, or, if such decree is appealed from, then the t date when such decree is finally confirmed or the appeal is dismissed; "(13) 'Date of bankruptcy', 'time of bankruptcy', 'commencement "Date of bankt- of proceedings', or 'bankruptcy' with reference to time, shall mean ruptcy," "commence- „VZ 1,V ~OU~

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of proceedings," the date when the petition was iled; or "bankruptcy" with "(14) 'Debt' shall include any debt, demand, or claim provable in referece to time. bankruptcy; "(15) 'Discharge' shall mean the release of a bankrupt from all "Discharge. " of his debts which are provable in bankruptcy, except such as are excepted by this Act; "(16) 'Document' shall include any book, deed, record, paper, or "Document." instrument in writing; "(17) 'Farmer' shall mean an individual personally engaged in "Far-" farming or tillage of the soil, and shall include an individual per- sonally engaged in dairy farming or in the production of poultry, livestock, or poultry or livestock products in their unmanufactured state, if the principal part of his income is derived from any one or more of such operations; "(18) 'Holiday' shall include New Year's Day, Washington's " oliday - Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Armistice Day, Christmas Day, and any day appointed as a holiday or as a day of public fasting or thanksgiving by the President or the Congress of the United States, or by the Governor or the Legislature of the State in which the proceeding under this Act is filed or pending; "(19) A person shall be deemed insolvent within the provisions of nsolvency. this Act whenever the aggregate of his property, exclusive of any property which he may have conveyed, transferred, concealed, removed, or permitted to be concealed or removed, with intent to defraud, hinder, or delay his creditors, shall not at a fair valuation be sufficient in amount to pay his debts; "(20) 'Judge' shall mean a judge of a court of bankruptcy, not "'"de. including the referee; "(21) 'Oath' shall include affirmation; "Oath. " "(22) 'Officer' shall include clerk, marshal, receiver, custodian, "Officer." referee, and trustee, and the imposing of a duty upon, or the forbid- ding of an act by, any officer shall include his successor and any person authorized by law to perform the duties of such officer; '(23) 'Persons' shall include corporations, except where otherwise "ersos." specified, and officers, partnerships, and women, and when used with reference to the commission of acts which are forbidden under this Act shall include persons who are participants in the forbidden acts, and the agents, officers, and members of the board of directors or trustees or of other similar controlling bodies of corporations; "(24) 'Petition' shall mean a document filed in a court of bank- "Petition." ruptcy or with a clerk thereof by a debtor praying for the benefits of this Act, or by creditors alleging the commission of an act of bankruptcy by a debtor therein named; 841