Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 52.djvu/890

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52 STAT.] 75TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 575 - -JUNE 22, 1938 "SEC. 11. SIrrS BY AND AGAINST BANKRUPTS.- a. A suit which is founded upon a claim from which a discharge would be a release, and which is pending against a person at the time of the filing of a petition by or against him, shall be stayed until an adjudication or the dismissal of the petition; if such person is adjudged a bankrupt, such action may be further stayed until the question of his discharge is determined by the court after a hearing, or by the bankrupt's filing a waiver of, or having lost, his right to a discharge, or, in the case of a corporation, by its failure to file an application for a discharge within the time prescribed under this Act: Provided, That such stay shall be vacated by the court if, within six years prior to the date of the filing of the petition in bankruptcy such person has been adjudicated a bankrupt, or has been granted a discharge, or has had a composition confirmed, or has had an arrangement by way of composition confirmed, or has had a wage earner's plan by way of composition confirmed. "b. The court may order the receiver or trustee to enter his appearance and defend any pending suit against the bankrupt. "c. A receiver or trustee may, with the approval of the court, be permitted to prosecute as receiver or trustee any suit commenced by the bankrupt prior to the adjudication, with like force and effect as though it had been commenced by him. "d. Suits shall not be brought against a person who has acted as a receiver or trustee of a bankrupt estate, upon any matter arising in connection with the administration thereof, subsequent to two years after the estate has been closed. "e. A receiver or trustee may, within two years subsequent to the date of adjudication or within such further period of time as the Federal or State law may permit, institute proceedings in behalf of the estate upon any claim against which the period of limitation fixed by Federal or State law had not expired at the time of the filing of the petition in bankruptcy. Where, by any agreement, a period of limitation is fixed for instituting a suit or proceeding upon any claim, or for presenting or filing any claim, proof of claim, proof of loss, demand, notice, or the like, or where in any proceeding, judicial or otherwise, a period of limitation is fixed, either in such proceed- ing or by applicable Federal or State law, for taking any action, filing any claim or pleading, or doing any act, and where in any such case such period had not expired at the date of the filing of the petition in bankruptcy, the receiver or trustee of the bankrupt may, for the benefit of the estate, take any such action or do any such act, required of or permitted to the bankrupt, within a period of sixty (lays subsequent to the date of adjudication or within such further period as may be permitted by the agreement, or in the proceeding or by applicable Federal or State law, as the case may be. "f. The operation of any statute of limitations of the United States or of any State, affecting the debts of a bankrupt provable under this Act, shall be suspended during the period from the date of the filing of the petition in bankruptcy (1) until the expiration of thirty days after the date of the entry of an order denying his discharge; or (2) if he has waived or lost his right to a discharge, then until the expiration of thirty days after the filing of such waiver or loss of such right or, in the case of a corporation, if no application for a discharge is filed within the period of six months after the adjudication, then until the expiration of thirty days after the end of such period; or (3) until thirty days after the dismissal of the bankruptcy proceedings, whichever may first occur. 849 Suits by or against bankrupts. Pending suits. Proviso. If person has been adjudicated a bank- rupt, etc., within 6 years. Defense by receiver or trustee. Prosecution of suits commenced prior to adjudication. Time provisions. Institution of pro. ceedings upon claims in behalf of estate; time limitation. Suspension of opera- tion of statute of limi- tations. 36525°-38- -54