Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 1.djvu/617

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CODIFICATION OF INTERNAL REVENUE LAWS notices the Commission shall be deemed to be a party in interest, with the right to be heard on all matters arising in such proceeding, and shall be deemed to have intervened in respect of all matters in such proceeding with the same force and effect as if a petition for that purpose had been allowed by the judge; but the Commission may not appeal or file any petition for appeal in any such proceeding. SEC. 209. Any creditor or stockholder may in a proceeding under this chapter act in person, by an attorney at law, or by a duly authorized agent or committee. SEC. 210. An attorney for creditors or stockholders shall not be heard unless he has first filed with the court a statement setting forth the names and addresses of such creditors or stockholders, the nature and amounts of their claims or stock, and the time of acquisition thereof, except as to claims or stock alleged to have been acquired more than one year prior to the filing of the petition. SEC. 211. Every person or committee, representing more than twelve creditors or stockholders, and every indenture trustee, who appears in the proceeding shall file with the court a statement, under oath, which shall include- (1) a copy of the instrument, if any, whereby such person, committee, or indenture trustee is empowered to act on behalf of creditors or stockholders; (2) a recital of the pertinent facts and circumstances in connection with the employment of such person or indenture trustee, and, in the case of a committee, the name or names of the person or persons at whose instance, directly or in- directly, such employment was arranged or the committee was organized or formed or agreed to act; (3) with reference to the time of the employment of such person, or the organization or formation of such committee, or the appearance in the proceeding of any indenture trustee, a showing of the amounts of claims or stock owned by such person, the members of such committee or such indenture trustee, the times when acquired, the amounts paid therefor, and any sales or other dis- position thereof; and (4) a showing of the claims or stock represented by such person or committee and the respective amounts thereof, with an averment that each holder of such claims or stock acquired them at least one year before the filing of the petition or with a showing of the times of acquisition thereof. SEC. 212. The judge may examine and disregard any provision of a deposit agreement, proxy, power or warrant of attorney, trust mortgage, trust indenture, or deed of trust, or committee or other authorization, by the terms of which an agent, attorney, indenture trustee, or committee purports to represent any credi- tor or stockholder, may enforce an accounting thereunder, may restrain the exercise of any power which he finds to be unfair or not consistent with public policy and may limit any claim or stock acquired by such person or committee in contemplation or in the course of the proceeding under this chapter to the actual consideration paid therefor. SEC. 213. Without limiting the powers of the judge under section 212 of this Act, an agent, indenture trustee, or committee, purporting to represent creditors or stockholders, shall not be heard or allowed to intervene in a proceeding under this chapter until such person or persons shall have satisfied the court that they have complied with all applicable laws regulating the activities and per- sonnel of such persons. ARTICLE X-PROVISIONS OF PLAN SEC. 216. A plan of reorganization under this chapter- (1) shall include in respect to creditors generally or some class of them, secured or unsecured, and may include in respect to stockholders generally or some class of them, provisions altering or modifying their rights, either through the issuance of new securities of any character or otherwise; (2) may deal with all or any part of the property of the debtor; (3) shall provide for the payment of all costs and expenses of administration and other allowances which may be approved or made by the judge; (4) may provide for the rejection of any executory contract except contracts in the public authority; (5) shall specify what claims, if any, are to be paid in cash in full; (6) shall specify the creditors or stockholders or any class of them not to be affected by the plan and the provisions, if any, with respect to them; (7) shall provide for any class of creditors which is affected by and does not accept the plan by the two-thirds majority in amount required under this chapter, adequate protection for the realization by them of the value of their claims against the property dealt with by the plan and affected by such claims, either as provided in the plan or in the order confirming the plan, (a) by the transfer or sale, or by the retention by the debtor, of such property subject to such claims; or (b) by a sale of such property free of such claims, at not less than a fair upset price, and the transfer of such claims to the proceeds of such sale; or (c) by appraisal and payment in cash of the value of such claims; or (d) CXII