Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/1009

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INDEX Government Printing Office: Page Annual or special reports of depart- ments, etc., printing discontinued; originals to be kept on file-------- 839 Appropriation for------------ 627, 836, 1302 Annex buildings, completion of con- struction--------------------- 673 Messengers on night duty, payment to designated _------------- - 1302 Superintendent of Documents, Office of------------------- 627,838, 1302 Average salaries under Classification Act not to be exceeded ---------- 839 Coast Guard Academy, designation of library as depository for Govern- ment publications--------------- 1209 Congressional work, estimate of cost to be included in recommendation--- 837 Departmental work- Estimates for, inclusion as single item in Budget--------------- 838 Payment for --------------------- 838 Depository libraries, restriction on sup- plying matter not requested----- 838 Details of employees, restriction on---- 838 Heat furnished by Capitol power plant, reimbursement for--------------- 833 Purchases independent of Procurement Division, Treasury Department_ - 839 Temporary quarters, funds available for rent, etc., of-------------------- 839 Working capital, return of portion as unexpended balance------------- 837 Grade Crossings, appropriation for elimi- nation of------------------------- 966 Grain Standards Act, appropriation for carrying provisions into effect ------ 969 Grand Army of the Republic, attendance of Marine Band at National Encamp- ment of, authorized--------------- 590 Grand Canyon National Park, Ariz., ap- propriation for administration, etc -- 726 Grand Coulee Dam Project, Wash., ap- propriation for construction-------- 719 Grand Teton National Park, Wyo., appro- priation for administration, etc------ 726 Grasshoppers, appropriation for control of outbreaks of--------------------- 821 Grazing, Division of. See Interior, De- partment of the. Grazing Act. See Taylor Grazing Act, Amendment. Great Britain: Appropriation for- Ambassador to------------------- 887 International Joint Commission, United States and------------ 894 Migratory birds, etc., effecting provi- sions of treaty concerning- -- 963, 964 Wafo+ravn trfatv. TTnited Statea and 894 Great Lakes, radio requirements for ships navigating, appropriation for special study by Federal Communications Commission------------------- Great Lakes, Ill., Naval Training Station, appropriation for operation, etc--- Great Lakes Reservation, Wis., appro- priation for construction and repair - Great Plains: Appropriation for construction of water conservation projects, etc-------- Water conservation projects, construc- tion authorized----------------- Appropriation authorized ___ - -- - -- Reimbursement of expenditures by water users---------------- Requirements---------------- Great Smoky Mountains National Park, N. C.- Tenn., appropriation for ad- ministration, etc------------------ Greece: Appropriation for minister to --------- Monument, presentation of a certain, to the people of, through the Amer- ican Minister ----------------- Green River, Mass., examination author- ized for flood-control purposes----- Griswold, Harry Wilbur, payment to widow of---------------------- Group Hospitalization, Inc., incorporation of certain persons as--- ---------- Guam: Appropriation for- Lepers, care of; transfer to Culion, P. I---------------------- School at naval station, operation, etc--------------------------- Articles brought into, exemption from internal revenue tax ------------- Naval Hospital, construction at, author- ized-------------------------- Naval Station, construction at, author- ized---------------------------- Guantanamo, Cuba: Appropriation for- Naval Station, construction work --- School at, operation, etc---------- Naval Station, construction work authorized-------------------- Page 983 760 712 719 1418 1419 1419 1419 726 887 999 1416 1301 1412 758 760 885 800 798 774 760 798 Guatemala, appropriation for minister to- 887 Gulf of Mexico, appropriation for coastal surveys----------------------- 915, 1312 Guntersville Dam, appropriation for con- tinued construction---------------- 542 Guttenberg, Iowa, bridge authorized across Mississippi River at--------------- 1235 Gypsy and Brown-Tail Moth Control, ap- propriation for------------------- 960 - . . . . . ·· · I·NL · ·I·IIII- -