Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/1073

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INDEX Trust Indenture Act of 1939-Continued. Trustee-Continued. Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, effect of ----------- Reports by----------------------- Responsibility of-------------- Special powers of---------------- Unlawful representations --------- Truxton Canyon Hospital, Ariz., appro- priation for------------------ Truxton Canyon Indians, Ariz., appropria- tion for support, etc--- --- --- --- Tucumcari Project, N. Mex., appropria- tion for construction ------------- Tulalip Hospital, Wash., appropriation for- Tulatip Indians, Wash., appropriation for support, etc-------------------- Tulsa, Okla., exposition at. See Inter- national Petroleum Exposition. Turkey, appropriation for ambassador to_ Turner, Clarence W., payment to widow of--------------------------- Turtle Mountain Hospital, N. Dak., ap- propriation for----------------- Tutulla, Samoa, Naval Station, construc- tion at, authorized--------------- School at, appropriation for operation - Twelfth Olympic Games, participation of Regular Army authorized--------- Page 1161 1165 1171 1173 1176 706 708 717 707 708 887 981 707 798 760 572 U Uinta National Forest, Utah, appropria- tion for acquisition of land for soil- erosion control, etc--------------- 957 Uintah and Ouray Indians, Utah: Appropriation for- Construction and repair------------ 1316 Irrigation systems ---------------- 703 Support, etc---------------------- 708 Uintah Hospital, Utah, appropriation for - 707 Ukiah, Calif., appropriation for latitude observatory---------------------- 915 Umatilla Indian Reservation, Oreg., cer- tainlands restored to tribal ownership- 1351 Umpqua River Lighthouse Reservation, Oreg., conveyance of portion to State of Oregon for public purposes; condi- tions --------------------------- 802 Uncompahgre, etc., Utes, Utah, appropria- tion for maintenance, etc., of irriga- tion project----------------------- 702 Unemployment Compensation Adminis- tration. See also Social Security Act Amendments of 1939. Appropriation for grants to States for ------------- 513, 541, 630,1304 Unemployment Compensation Laws, State, increase in authorization for appro- priations for administration of------ 581 Unemployment Insurance. See lailroad Unemployment Insurance Act, Amendments. Unemployment Tax Act, Federal, sub- chapter of Internal Revenue Code relating to tax on employers of eight or more designated as-------------- Union Catalogues, appropriation for de- velopment and maintenance ------- Union County, Ky., bridge authorized across Ohio River at-------------- Union of South Africa, appropriation for minister to---------------------- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Appropriation for ambassador to------ Claims of American nationals against Government of, adjudication of--- Appropriation authorized---------- Attendance of witnesses, production of documentary evidence ----- Claims, time limitation for filing -- -- Commissioner, appointment of; assist- ants------------------------- Completion within two years ------- Moneys received, administrative ex- penses a first charge against -- -- Report to Secretary of State-------- Transfer of records, etc., upon com- pletion of work --------------- Union Pacific Railroad Co., license to maintain certain trackage on Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation authorized---------------------- United Confederate Veterans' Reunion, Trinidad, Colo., 1939: Loan of War Department equipment authorized---------------------- Marine Band, attendance authorized_ -- Appropriation for----------------- United Pueblos, N. Mex., appropriation for construction and repair -------- United States Citrus Products Laboratory, Fla., appropriation for construction of addition to --------------------- United States Coast Guard Academy. See Coast Guard Academy. United States Code, appropriation for preparation---------------------- United States Courts: Administration of------------------ Administrative Office of the United States Courts, establishment --- Director, duties--------------- Budget, preparation and submis- sion--. . ---- ----- ----- --. Employees; practice restriction -- - Funds made available for mainte- nance and operation-------- Annual conferences in each judicial district--------------------- " "" CXIV Page 1396 835 1058 887 887 1199 1200 1200 1199 1199 1200 1200 1200 1200 1001 816 582 777 712 958 830 1223 1223 1223 1224 1223 1403 1224