Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/172

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 107-MAY 2, 1939 [53 STAT. boepartment of La- Department of Labor: For salaries and expenses, Immigration and Naturalization Service, $347.80. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Labor Statistics, $22.43. For United States Employment Service, Department of Labor, $42.08. For salaries and expenses, Women's Bureau, $35.45. For investigation of cost of living in the United States, $8.26. For salaries and expenses, Commissioners of Conciliation, $8.26. Navy Deprtment. Navy Department: For payment to officers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (Navy), $467.57. For miscellaneous expenses, Navy, $2.64. For organizing the Naval Reserve, $336.96. For engineering, Bureau of Engineering, $10,200. For pay, subsistence, and transportation, Navy, $1,829.98 . For pay of the Navy, $1.40. For maintenance, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, $176.80. For general expenses, Marine Corps, $12.16. For pay, Marine Corps, $225.28. For aviation, Navy, $3,040.87. For increase of the Navy, emergency construction, $17,348.83 . For construction and repair, Bureau of Construction and Repair, $9,748.75. staDtetment o Department of State: For salaries, Foreign Service officers, $834.18. For transportation of Foreign Service officers, $23.94. For contingent expenses, Foreign Service, $1.90. For office and living quarters, Foreign Service, $42.66. For payment to officers and employees of the United States in for- eign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (State), $241.90 . Treasury Depart- Treasury Department: For stationery, Treasury Department,

$14.20. For salaries and expenses, Division of Disbursement, $11.28. For collecting the revenue from customs, $82.15. For collecting the internal revenue, $237.47. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Narcotics, $54.52. For contingent expenses, Coast Guard, $611.02. For Coast Guard, $7.47. For repairs to Coast Guard vessels, $5.36. For pay and allowances, Coast Guard, $984.33 . For pay of personnel and maintenance of hospitals, Public Health Service, $142.86. For interstate quarantine service, $10. For furniture and repairs of same for public buildings, $79.70. For furniture and repairs of same for public buildings, Procure- ment Division, $3.15. For general expenses, Procurement Division, $7.75. For general administrative expenses, public works branch, Procure- ment Division, $3. For mechanical equipment for public buildings, Procurement Division, $9. For repairs and preservation of public buildings, Procurement Division, 50 cents. For repairs, preservation, and equipment, public buildings, Pro- curement Division, $80.21. For plate printing, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, $14.40. For increase of compensation, Treasury Department, $4.82. For expenses, Division of Mental Hygiene, Public Health Service, $11.50. 648