Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/179

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 115 -MAY 6, 1939 pensation rates of the grade, but not more often than once in any fiscal year, and then only to the next higher rate: Provided further, That this restriction shall not apply (1) to grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the clerical-mechanical service, (2) to require the reduction in salary of any person whose compensation was fixed, as of July 1, 1924, in accordance with the rules of section 6 of such Act, (3) to require the reduction in salary of any person who is transferred from one posi- tion to another position in the same or different grade in the same or a different bureau, office, or other appropriation unit, (4) to prevent the payment of a salary under any grade at a rate higher than the maximum rate of the grade when such higher rate is permitted by the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and is specifically author- ized by other law, or (5) to reduce the compensation of any person in a grade in which only one position is allocated. Old-age reserve account, Social Security Act: For an amount suffi- cient as an annual premium for the payments required under title II of the Social Security Act, approved August 14, 1935 (42 U. S. C . 401), and authorized to be appropriated to the old-age reserve account established under section 201 (a) of the Act, $580,000,000, of which $30,000,000 shall be available immediately: Provided, That such amount shall be available until expended for making payments required under the Act, and the amounts not required for current payments shall be invested in accordance with the provisions of such Act. Payments to Federal land banks on account of reductions in interest rate on mortgages: To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay each Federal land bank such amount as the Land Bank Commissioner certifies to the Secretary of the Treasury is equal to the amount by which interest payments on mortgages held by such land bank have been reduced during the fiscal year 1940, and prior thereto, in accord- ance with the provisions of paragraph "Twelfth" of section 12 of the Federal Farm Loan Act (12 U. S . C. 771), as amended, $29,700,000. Payments to the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation on account of reductions in interest rate on mortgages: To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay to the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation such amount as the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration certifies to the Secretary of the Treasury is equal to the amount by which interest payments on mortgages held by such Corporation have been reduced during the fiscal year 1940, in accordance with the provisions of section 32 of the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, approved May 12, 1933 (12 U. S. C . 1016), as amended, such payments to be made quarterly, beginning as soon as practicable after October 1, 1939, $7,425,000. Advances to Railroad Unemployment Insurance Account: To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to advance to the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Account, pursuant to Section 10 (d) of the Act of June 25, 1938 (52 Stat. 1104), such sums as the Railroad Retirement Board shall request for the purpose of paying benefits, $23,750,000, to be immediately available. DIVISION OF RESEARCH AND STATISTICS Salaries: For personal services in the District of Columbia, $170,000. OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL Salaries: For the General Counsel and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $135,420. 655 Not applicable to clerical-mechanical service. No reduction in fixed salaries. 5U. .C.§666. Transfers without reduction. Higher salary rates permitted. If only one position in a grade. Old-age reserve ac- count, Social Security Act. 49 Stat. 622 . 42 U. S. C., Supp. IV, § 401. Proviso. Availability, etc. Payments to Fed- eral land banks on ac- count of reductions in interest rate on mort- gages. 48 Stat. 43. 12 UT.S. C.. § 771; Supp. IV , § 771. Payments to Fed- eral Farm htortgage Corporation n1 c- counlt of reductions in interest rate on mort- gages. 48 Stat. 48 . 12 U.S. C . 1016; Supp. IV, 1 1016 . Railroad Unem- ployment Insurance Account, advances to. 52 Stat. 1104. 45 U. S. C., Supp. IV, § 360. Salaries. Salaries.