Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/50

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 11 -MAR. 16, 1939 BOARD OF TAX APPEALS [53 STAT. All expenes. For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the work of 43 Stat. 336;4 Star . 105; 45 stat. 871; 47 the Board of Tax Appeals as authorized under title IX, section 900, st 26Ut ' c.§ 6oo-645 . of the Revenue Act of 1924, approved June 2, 1924, as amended by title X of the Revenue Act of 1926, approved February 26, 1926, and title IV of the Revenue Act of 1928, approved May 29, 1928, and title IX of the Revenue Act of 1932, approved June 6, 1932, includ- ing personal services and contract stenographic reporting services, rent outside the District of Columbia, traveling expenses, carfare, stationery, furniture, office equipment, purchase and exchange of type- writers, law books and books of reference, periodicals, and all other

  • necessary supplies, $528,000.

Ping a printing an Fap and binding for the Board of Tax Appeals, $29,000. Total, Board of Tax Appeals, $557,000. CENTRAL STATISTICAL BOARD All expenses. Printing and bind- ing. Proviso. No other funds to be available; excep- tion. 52 Stat. 412. For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the work of the Central Statistical Board as authorized by law, including per- sonal services in the District of Columbia; traveling expenses; materials; supplies; office equipment; mimeographing, special mes- senger, contract stenographic reporting, and other services; news- papers; periodicals and press clippings; repairs and alterations; and not to exceed $200 for expenses of attendance at meetings which in the discretion of the chairman are necessary for the efficient dis- charge of the responsibilities of the Board, $125,000. For all printing and binding for the Central Statistical Board, $1,000. Total, Central Statistical Board, $126,000: Provided, That no other money appropriated in this or any other Act, except the money appropriated for the Board in the Independent Offices Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1939, shall be available for the Central Statis- tical Board after the passage of this Act. CIVIL AERONAUTICS AUTHORITY Salaries and ex- Salaries and expenses: For salaries and expenses of the Civil Aero- PosI, p. 1302 . nautics Authority, including the expenses of operation, maintenance, and upkeep of air navigation facilities, in carrying out the duties, powers, and functions devolving upon it pursuant to the authority 52Stat.973. contained in the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938 (52 Stat. 973), includ- 49 U. S. C., Supp. Ivh, c.. . p ing traveling expenses and expenses of employees detailed by the Traveling expenses. Chairman of the Authority or the Administrator to attend meetings ings. of associations, organizations, or other properly constituted bodies concerned with the civil aeronautics industry or the art of aeronautics, Air Safety Board. in the United States or in foreign countries; personal services and Pot,p. 6' rentals in the District of Columbia and elsewhere including expenses · of the Air Safety Board other than those specifically provided for under "Salaries and Expenses Air Safety Board"; contract steno- graphic reporting services; fees and mileage of witnesses; examina- tion of estimates of appropriations in the field, including actual Transportation of expenses of subsistence or per diem allowance in lieu thereof; expenses personal property of packing, crating, drayage, and transportation of household effects and other personal property (not exceeding in any one case five thousand pounds) of employees when transferred from one official station to another for permanent duty, upon specific authorization Purchase of books, by the Chairman of the Authority or the Administrator; purchase etc. and exchange of professional and scientific books, law books, books 526