Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/707

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 417-AUG. 4 , 1939 licensed and unlicensed personnel on American merchant vessels. The Commission is authorized to determine the number of persons to be enrolled in the said Service, to fix the rates of pay of such persons, and to prescribe such courses and periods of training as, in its dis- cretion, is necessary to maintain a trained and efficient merchant marine personnel. The ranks, grades, and ratings for the personnel Ratings. of the said Service shall be the same as are now or shall hereafter be prescribed for the personnel of the Coast Guard. The Commission Employment of in- is further authorized to employ as instructors in said Service, on a ttor contract or fee basis (without regard to the provisions of section 3709 RlS.§ 3709. of the Revised Statutes), such qualified persons, including licensed and unlicensed personnel of the merchant marine, as the Commission may deem necessary to effectuate the purposes of this section. "(b) The Commission is hereby authorized to train American Scop e of training. citizens to become licensed officers of the merchant marine of the United States in a status of cadets and cadet officers on Government- owned and subsidized vessels and, in cooperation with other govern- mental and private agencies, on other vessels and, for instructional purposes only, in shipyards, plants, and industrial and educational organizations, under rules and regulations prescribed by the Com- mission and upon such terms as the Commission may arrange, and expenditures incident to such training are hereby authorized. "(c) The Commission is hereby authorized to prescribe, conduct, Extension courseto ,upp lement other and supervise such extension and correspondence courses as it may traningfacilties. deem necessary to supplement other training facilities, and to make such courses available, under such rules and regulations and upon such terms as it may prescribe, to the licensed and unlicensed per- sonnel of the merchant marine, and to cadets and cadet officers, who shall make application therefor. The Commission is further author- pextbooks and sup- ized to print, publish, and purchase suitable textbooks, equipment, and supplies required for such courses, and to employ persons, firms, and corporations on a contract or fee basis (without regard to the provisions of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes), for the perform- 4R'l.s 30 . ance of special services deemed necessary by the Commission in the preparation and editing of such textbooks and other aids to instruc- tion and in the supervision and administration of such courses. "(d) The Commission, with the consent of any executive depart- riieof Oovernment ment, independent establishment, or other agency of the Government, including any field service thereof, may avail itself of the use of information, services, facilities, officers, and employees thereof in carrying out the provisions of this section, as amended." SEa. 6. The first sentence of section 502 (b) of such Act, as freCnttitsubs did amended, is amended to read as follows: "The amount of the reduc- Standar for deter- tion in selling price which is herein termed 'construction differential 52 stat. 9s. subsidy' may equal, but not exceed, the excess of the bid of the ship- v, i 52i (b). upp builder constructing the proposed vessel (excluding the cost of any features incorporated in the vessel for national-defense uses, which shall be paid by the Commission in addition to the subsidy), over the fair and reasonable estimate of cost, as determined by the Com- mission, of the construction of the proposed vessel if it were con- structed under similar plans and specifications (excluding national- defense features as above provided) in a foreign shipbuilding center which is deemed by the Commission to furnish a fair and represent- ative example for the determination of the estimated foreign cost of construction of vessels of the type proposed to be constructed." SEC. 7. Title V of such Act, as amended, is amended by adding at s9 Sat.; npp. the end thereof a new section to read as follows: iv, 11 1i-1159. "SEe. 510. (a) When used in this section- Termsdefined. "(1) The term 'obsolete vessel' means a vessel or vessels, each of "Obsoletevessel." which (A) is of not less than one thousand three hundred and fifty 1183