Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/74

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 11 , 15-MAR . 16, 25 , 1939 n C a cc [CHAPTER 15] AN ACT March 25, 1939 [8. 1098] To amend section 12 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as [Public, No. 9] amended, by authorizing advances for crop insurance. Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- ment Act, amend- ment. 49 Stat. 1151. 16 U. 8. C., Supp. IV, § 5901. Advances to pro- ducers for crop insur- ance authorized. Remittance. Terms and condi- tions of advances. 49 Stat. 1149. 18 U. S. C., Supp. IV, 590g. Appropriation made available. 62 Stat. 744. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 12 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended, is amended by designating the existing provisions of said section 12 as subsection (a) and by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection (b): "The Secretary is authorized to make advances to producers for the purpose of assisting them to insure their crops with the Fed- eral Crop Insurance Corporation. The Secretary shall remit the amount of any such advances to a producer directly to such Corpora- tion in payment of the premium on the insurance for which the producer has made application. Advances shall only be made to pro- ducers who are participating or who agree to participate in a program formulated pursuant to section 8. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the terms and conditions of such advances shall be fixed by the Secretary. The appropriation made in the Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1939 under the item entitled 'Conservation and Use of Agricultural Land Resources, Department of Agriculture', shall be available during the fiscal year 1939 for advances authorized by this subsection." Approved, March 25, 1939. SalarSies of desi- SEC. 3 . During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, the salaries of ted peonneled. the members of the Authority and the Administrator, Civil Aero- nautics Authority, of the Commissioners of the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Commissioners of the United States Maritime Com- mission, and the Commissioners of the United States Tariff Commis- sion shall be at the rate of $10,000 each per annum. iemestabshmen gen SEC. 4 . None of the funds made available by this Act for admin- ppropriation ac- istrative expenses of the agencies under the caption "Emergency ounts. agencies" shall be obligated or expended unless and until an appro- priate appropriation account shall have been established therefor pursuant to an appropriation warrant or a covering warrant, and all such expenditures shall be accounted for and audited in accordance 34 Stat. i. with the terms and provisions of the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended. itzenship require- SE. 5. N part of any appropriation contained in this Act or authorized hereby to be expended shall be used to pay the com- pensation of any officer or employee of the Government of the United States, or of any agency the majority of the stock of which is owned by the Government of the United States, whose post of duty is in continental United States unless such person is a citizen of the United States, or a person in the service of the United States on the date of the approval of this Act who being eligible for citizenship has filed a declaration of intention to become a citizen or who owes allegiance to the United States. hort title. SEC. 6. This Act may be cited as the "Independent Offices Appro- priation Act, 1940". Approved, March 16, 1939. n [53 STAT.