Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/948

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53 STAT.] 76TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-PLAN NO. I-APR . 25, 1939 tion and supervision over the administration of the several agencies consolidated into the Federal Security Agency by this section and shall be responsible for the coordination of their functions and activities. (b) The Federal Security Administrator shall appoint an Assistant Assistant Federal Security Administra- Federal Security Administrator, who shall receive a salary at the rate tor. of $9,000 per annum, and he may also appoint such other personnel and make such expenditures as may be necessary. (c) The Assistant Administrator shall act as Administrator during the absence or disability of the Administrator or in the event of a vacancy in that office and shall perform such other duties as the Administrator shall direct. (d) The several agencies and functions consolidated by this section Pnne into the Federal Security Agency shall carry with them their personnel.ecurity SECTION 202. Social Security Board.-The Social Security Board and Board Security its functions shall be administered as a part of the Federal Security Agency under the direction and supervision of the Federal Security Administrator. The Chairman of the Social Security Board shall perform such administrative duties as the Federal Security Adminis- trator shall direct.ited States Em- SECTION 203. United States Employment Service.- (a)The functions of pioymte Stervice. the United States Employment Service shall be consolidated with the unemployment compensation functions of the Social Security Board and shall be administered in the Social Security Board in connection with such unemployment compensation functions under the direction and supervision of the Federal Security Administrator. (b) The office of the Director of the United States Employment abiretor'soefice Service is hereby abolished, and all of the functions of such office are transferred to, and shall be exercised by, the Social Security Board. (c) All functions of the Secretary of Labor relating to the adminis- naTed nctonesiof tration of the United States Employment Service are hereby trans- ecretary of Labor. ferred to, and shall be exercised by, the Federal Security Administrator. SECTION 204. Office of Education.- (a)The Office of Education and its Office of Education. functions shall be administered by the Commissioner of Education under the direction and supervision of the Federal Security Ad- ministrator. Trnnsfnr of Ic.ig- (b) All functions of the Secretary of the Interior relating to the I,,,ti ftii,,ot.ons of administration of the Office of Education are hereby transferred to, Secretory or tle i 1 - and shall be exercised by, the Federal Security Administrator. trlr. SECTION 205. Public Iealth Serrice. - (a)The Public Health Service I',lic 1eoaltl Ser and its functions shall be administered by the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service under the direction and supervision of the Federal Security Administrator. Transfer of desig- (b) All the functions of the Secretary of the Treasury relating to the nated functions of administration of the Public Health Service, except those functions Sreaury.r the relating to the acceptance and investment of gifts as authorized by Acceptance and in- sections 23(b) and 137(e), title 42, U. S. Code, are hereby transferred 46 Stat. 379; 5 Stat. to, and shall be exercised by, the Federal Security Administrator. 42, U (s. c rb; SECTION 206. National Youth Administration. -TheNational Youth supp. IV . § 137e Administration and its functions shall be administered by the National ministration. Youth Administrator under the direction and supervision of the Federal Security Administrator. SECTION 207. Civilian Conservation Corps.- n Conseilian Conserva- iviliran Conserva- tion Corps and its functions shall be administered by the Director of the Civilian Conservation Corps under the direction and supervision of the Federal Security Administrator. 1425