Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/967

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INDEX Appropriations-Continued. Page Panama, cooperation in highway con- struction, Chorrera to Rio Hato, authorized----------------- - 1071 Appropriation for --------------- 1327 Panama Canal, improvement and en- largement of capacity of, authorized_ 1410 Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth and Thomas, acquisition of papers of, by Library of Congress, authorized- 572 Appropriation for ---------------- 627 Pneumatic mail tube systems, New York and Boston, appraisal of, author- ized ---------------------- 740 Polar Exploration, International Exhi- bition of, participation expenses, authorized------------------ 1249 Puyallup Indian Tribal School property, acquisition of, authorized -------- 1405 Relief and work relief, additional, fiscal year 1939--------------------- 507 Further additional--------------- 578 Rheumatic Diseases, Seventh Inter- national Congress for the, expenses of holding, authorized ----------- 852 "Star-Spangled Banner," Federal partic- ipation in anniversary celebration, authorized------------------ -- 1214 Appropriation for----------------- 1305 Statement of, preparation----------- 831 Statistical Institute, International, ex- penses of meeting, 1940, authorized- 1265 Strategic and critical materials, procure- ment, investigations, etc., author- ized --------------

812 Appropriation for----------- 770, 1326 Temporary National Economic Com- mittee--------------------- 629, 984 Third International Congress for Micro- biology, authorized-------------- 554 Appropriation for----------------- 988 Tongue River Reservoir project, Mont., payment of charges against Indian lands benefited, authorized------- 1411 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, ad- judication of claims against, au- thorized ---------------------- 1200 Work relief and relief, additional, fiscal year 1939-- --- . ---- --- --- --- - 507 Further additional-- ------------- 578 Youngstown, N. Y., grant of right-of- way, etc., on Fort Niagara Military Reservation, authorized ---------- 843 Arbitration: Appropriation for- Boards, expenses---------------- 537 Bureau of Interparlimnentary Union for Promotion of International, contribution----------------- 891 International Bureau of Permanent Court for, contribution-------- 891 Arboretum, National, appropriation for Page maintenance, etc---- ------------ 953 Arcadia, R. I ., appropriation for construc- tion of fish cultural station --------- 917 Architect of the Capitol: Appropriation for----------- 627, 831, 1302 Member of commission to procure paint- ing of scene at signing of Consti- tution ------------------------- 583 Scott, Gen. Winfield, loan of portrait of, to Virginia Military Institute au- thorized ---------------------- 821 Traveling expenses, funds available for_ 832 Architects, Fifteenth International Con- gress of, appropriation for expenses of meeting ------------------------ 639 Archives. See National Archives. Archivist. See National Archives. Argentina, appropriation for ambassador to------------------------------ 887 "Argonaut," U. S . S., alterations author- ized; limit of cost increased---- 582, 1045 Arid and Semiarid Areas: Appropriation for construction of water conservation projects, facilities, etc- 719, 976 Construction of water conservation projects authorized------------- 1418 Appropriation authorized----------- 1419 Reimbursement of expenditures by water users------------------ 1419 Requirements-------------------- 1419 Arizona: Appropriation for- Boulder Dam National Recreational Area, administration, etc------- 729 Fence construction along boundary- 894 Gila project, construction---------. 716 Grand Canyon National Park, admin- istration, etc ---------------- 726 Indian irrigation projects---- 699, 700, 702 Indians, support, etc., of---------- 694, 695, 697, 700, 706, 708, 1316 Parker Dam power project--------- 633 San Carlos irrigation project, main- tenance, etc-----633, 700, 1314, 1315 Yuma project, operation and main- tenance---------------------- 715 Papago Indian Reservation, purchase of lands authorized ----------- - 819 Parker, public auction of certain town lots authorized---------------- 1203 Lease of vacant unsold lots -------- 1204 Tempe, limit of cost of construction of post office increased------------ 1305 Arkansas: Black Rock, bridge authorized across Black River at----------------- 1079 Helena, bridge authorized across Mis- .i.;-nni River t 747 &o.kXj] . v - . v .----------------- , .