Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1069

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG. , 3D SESS.-CH. 780-OCT. 9 , 1940 exceed the sum of $100: Provided further, That all functions of the Commissioner hereunder shall be performed under the direction and supervision of the Federal Security Administrator. No trainee under the foregoing appropriations shall be discrimi- nated against because of sex, race, or color; and where separate schools are required by law for separate population groups, to the extent needed for trainees of each such group, equitable provision shall be made for facilities and training of like quality. Further development of vocational education: For an additional amount for carrying out the provisions of sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the further development of voca- tional education in the several States and Territories", approved June 8, 1936, $400,000. Cooperative vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in indus- try: For an additional amount for carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the promotion of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry", approved June 2, 1920, as amended, $319,500. NATIONAL YOUTH ADMINISTRATION For additional amounts for the National Youth Administration to be expended in accordance with the provisions of the National Youth Administration Appropriation Act, 1941, except that all training or educational programs for youth employed by the National Youth Administration on work projects shall be under the control and super- vision of the State boards for vocational education of the several States and shall be paid for out of appropriations made to the Office of Edu- cation and expended by the States pursuant to plans submitted by State boards for vocational education and approved by the Commis- sioner of Education as provided for in this Act under the heading, "Office of Education", paragraph (5), and except as hereinafter provided, for the following purposes: For the purposes and objects specified in paragraph 1 (b) of such Act, $30,535,375, of which $50,000 shall be available to the United States Employees' Compensation Commission for the purposes of paragraph 18 of such Act. For salaries and other administrative expenses specified in para- graph 2 of such Act, $1,941,063, of which sum not to exceed $250,000 may be transferred to appropriations of the Treasury Department in accordance with the provisions of such paragraph. For printing and binding, $23,562. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY Supervision of func- t:ons. No discrimination because of sex, race, or color. Further develop- ment of vocational education. Ante, p. 583. 49 Stat. 1488-1489. 20 T. S. C., Supp. V, §§15h-15j. Vocational rehabili- tation. Ante, p. 583 . 41 Stat. 735. 29U. . c. a31-44. Additionalamounts. Ante, p. 590. Control by State boards. Employment, etc. Ante, pp . 590, 693. Salaries, etc. Ante, p. 590. Printing and bind- ing. Ante, p. 591. PUBLIC BUILDINGS ADMINISTRATION Salaries and general expenses, public buildings and grounds in the biDi s t ri t of Colm- District of Columbia: For an additional amount for administration, salaries and general protection, maintenance, and improvement of public buildings and epenses. grounds in the District of Columbia, maintained and operated by the Public Buildings Administration, Federal Works Agency, including the same objects specified under this heading in the Independent Ante.p.l2. Offices Appropriation Act, 1941, $200,000. Construction of public buildings, District of Columbia: The Federal pucbiuon of' Works Administrator is hereby authorized, pursuant to the provisions of the Act of May 25, 1926 (44 Stat. 630), as amended, to acquire sites 40 U. s c. ii 31- or additional land and to enter into contracts for construction of the 3 following public-building projects in amounts not exceeding the follow- ing respective limits of cost, which limits of cost shall include salaries, Limts of ot. 1035