Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1260

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1226 Punishment. 36 Stat. 833 . 6D.C.Code§181. Receipt of money, etc., for arranging for females to engage in prostitution, etc. Punishment. Payment or receipt of money, etc., for procurement of fe- males for houses of prostitution. Punishment. Receipt of money, etc., by procurers of females for other per- sons. Punishment. Acceptance, etc. , of money from proceeds or earnings of prosti- tutes. Punishment. Janary 7,1941 RH. R.l 100 [Public. No. 893] Transportation Act of 1920, amendment. 41 Stat. 460; 44 Stat. 1450. 49U.S.C. 73. "Defidt in its rail- way operating in- come." PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 936, 938-JAN. 3 , 7, 1941 [54 STAT. pose of prostitution or sexual intercourse, or any person who shall compel any female, against her will, to reside with him or with any other person for the purposes of prostitution or sexual intercourse, shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine of not more than $1,000." SEo. 3. Section 3 of such Act is amended to read as follows: "SoE. 3. Any person who, within the District of Columbia, shall receive any money or other valuable thing for or on account of arranging for or causing any female to have sexual intercourse with any other person or to engage in prostitution, debauchery, or any other immoral act, shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than five years and a fine of not more than $1,000." SEC. 4. Such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sections: "SEC. 6 . Any person who, within the District of Columbia, shall pay or receive any money or other valuable thing for or on account of the procuring for, or placing in, a house of prostitution, for purposes of sexual intercourse, prostitution, debauchery, or other immoral act, any female, shall be guilty of a felony and, upon con- viction, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than five years and by a fine of not more than $1,000. "SEO. 7. Any person who, within the District of Columbia, shall receive any money or other valuable thing for or on account of pro- curing and placing in the charge or custody of another person for sexual intercourse, prostitution, debauchery, or other immoral pur- poses any female shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than five years and by a fine of not more than $1,000. "SEC. 8. Any person who, within the District of Columbia, know- ingly shall accept, receive, levy, or appropriate any money or other valuable thing, without consideration other than the furnishing of a place for prostitution or the servicing of a place for prostitution, from the proceeds or earnings of any female engaged in prostitution shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than five years and by a fine of not more than $1,000." Approved, January 3, 1941. [CHAPTER 9381 AN ACT To amend section 204 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the termination of Federal control of railroads and systems of transportation; to provide for the settlement of disputes between carriers and their employees; to further amend an Act entitled 'An Act to regulate commerce', approved February 4, 1887, as amended, and for other purposes", approved February 28, 1920. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 204 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the termination of Fed- eral control of railroads and systems of transportation; to provide for the settlement of disputes between carriers and their employees; to further amend an Act entitled 'An Act to regulate commerce', approved February 4, 1887, as amended, and for other purposes", approved February 28,1920, as amended by the Act approved March 4, 1927 (44 Stat. L. 1446), be amended and reenacted by adding thereto the following new paragraphs (i), (j), and (k), as follows: "(i) That the term 'deficit m its railway operating income', as that term is used in paragraph (a), shall be construed to mean a deficiency or decrease in the carrier's railway operating income for