Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1292

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INDEX Civil Service Commission-Continued. Purchases without advertising -_ ._-- Transfer or detail of personnel in emer- gencies, authorized __ - -

Civil Service Retirement Act, Amendment, computation of accredited service_ - Civil-Service Retirement and Disability Fund, appropriation for _-.


Civil Works Administration: Appropriation for employees' compen- sation fund ---------------- Disbursing officers, credit allowed in accounts of certain ------------- Civilian Conservation Corps: Alaska, native enrollees, donation of totem pole carved by, to Seattle, Wash------------------------- Appropriation for---------------- 581, Employees' compensation fund----- Blood transfusions, payment for------ Buildings, limitation on cost --------- Company 145, credit in accounts of Maj. Henry M. Denning for funds stolen from--- ---------------------- Company 4495, payment to Capt. Fred- erick W. Long, Jr., for funds stolen from ------------------- Educational advisers, payments for attendance at aquatic schools val- idated ----------------------- Indians, terms of enrollment of ------ Limitation on expenditures; emergencies excepted --------------------- Transfer of funds----.------.---- Non-civil-service appointments outside D. C., exemption from restric- tions ----------------------- Noncombatant training for national defense, availability of funds, etc- Notaries public, designation of certain employees as, authorized _ --- --: Purchases without advertising ------- Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations author- ized------------------------- Vehicles, equipment, etc., exchanges authorized--- ------------ Civilian Nautical Schools, examination by U. S . Maritime Commission --__ _- - Vessels of, inspection, etc ---------- Certificates of inspection ----------- Penalty for violating regulations --- _ Civilian Pilot Training, appropriation Page 1109 117 1116 117 594 1057 386 1033 595 581 581 496 496 496 1206 581 1033 597 625 383 1111 6C 581 34( 347 34, 347 for-------------------------- 115, 59' Civilian Training for National Defense, funds available for---------------- 297 377, 603, 714, 874, 97( Clagett, Katherine H., payment to----- - 1034 Claims. See Audited Claims; Damage Clonms Claims, Assignment of. See Assignment of Claims Act of 1940. Claims, Court of. See United States Courts. Claims Against the United States, barring of ------------------------------ Claremore Hospital, Okla., appropriation for .- - -... .---.------.------..-- Classification Act of 1923: Amendment, department boards of re- view for efficiency ratings--- _ __ __ Exclusion of designated positions from provisions of---------- _ - - -- _ -- Extension of------------------------ Additional classification services and Page 1061 426 1215 1214 1212 grades, authorized--------- _- - _ 1213 Compensation schedules, differentials in rates --------------------- 1213 Exempted positions--------_-- -- --- 1213 Promotions----------------------- 1215 Clerks of Courts, appropriation for salaries, etc ---------------------------- 209 Cleveland, Ohio: Appropriation for hydrographic office- 290 Limit of cost of construction of certain public buildings increased ------ _ _ 633 Cleveland Harbor, Ohio, improvement authorized----------------------_ 1199 Cleveland National Forest, Calif., pur- chase of lands in, for soil-erosion con- trol, etc., authorized ------ .. __--- _ 297 Appropriation for- _ --_--_ --__ _ _. --- . 549 Clinton Hospital, Okla., appropriation for_ 426 Cloth. See Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939. Coachella Valley Irrigation Project, Calif., appropriation for ----------- .- - - _ _ 419 Coal and Wood, purchase in District of Columbia for public use, repeal of certain provisions --------------- _ 764 Coal-Mining Employees, exemption from provisions of certain acts ---------- 785 Coast and Geodetic Survey. See Com- merce, Department of. Coast Artillery Corps, increase in personnel authorized ---------------------- 1177 Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Va., appropriation for ----------- _ 26, 369, 969 Coast Guard: Aerial flights, increased pay for, restric- tion--------------------------- 64 Appropriation for - - 33, 63, 91, 600, 653, 1045 Damage claims ------- _

_ 91, 654 Emergency construction, Coast Guard vessels and shore facilities - --- 1046 Lake St. Clair, Mich., station on- _ - - 64 Lighthouses, Bureau of--_ ---------. 91 Assistant Commandant, appointment, duties, etc---------------------- 246 Retiremen+ 'O7 ,---- u -- - - --- --- - - - - - - -- --- - - - - - ,.