Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1295

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INDEX Commerce, Department of-Continued. Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of- Boards of local inspectors, rearrange- ment of location, etc., author- ized----------------------- Annual statement to Congress.-- - Civilian nautical schools, regulations to prescribe minimum standards for vessels of---------------- Page 169 169 347 Motorboats- Equipment, approval of---------- 164, 165 Fines, etc., under prior act, remis- sion--------------------- 166, 167 Regulations, establishment of------- 166 Promotions, administrative within- grade, restriction---------------- 211 Purchases without advertising ------ 1109 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after--------------------- -- 212 Standards, National Bureau of- Building materials, studies of, trans- fer of funds for--------------- 631 Public Health Service officers detailed to, funds available for expenses - 195 Scientific investigations for depart- ments, etc., authorized; transfer of funds-------------------- 196 Engraving and Printing, Bureau of, transfer of sums by---------- 67 Vessels, carriage of dangerous cargoes by, regulations ----------------- 1025 Weather Bureau- Attendance at meetings, use of funds for------------------------- 641 New England, establishment of fore- cast district for, appropriation for ------------------------- 641 Part-time employees, performance of odd jobs--------------------- 53 Personal effects, transportation of, upon employee's change of sta- tion------------------------ 641 Printing, restriction on------------- 531 Transfer to----------------------123 Commerce, Foreign, penalty for violent interference with---------------- 7 Commissioners, U. S . Courts: Appropriation for fees --------------- 20 Jurisdiction to try petty offenses ----- 1051 Commodity Credit Corporation: Appropriation for ------------------- 56 Division of Disbursement, Treasury De- partment, transfer of funds to, authorized--------------------- Loans by, authorization of certain; re- payment, etc------------------- 72 Obligations, authorized aggregate 78. amount----------------------- I I I ized ------------------------ Communications Commission. See Fed- eral Communications Commission. Communists: Employment of, to fill vacancies caused by inductions under Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, policy of Congress------------- Work relief projects, restriction on em- ployment ------------------- Compacts. See Interstate Compacts. Comptroller General. See General Ac- counting Office. Comptroller of the Currency, Office of the. See Treasury Department. Conchas Dam and Reservoir Project, grant to New Mexico of easement over certain areas authorized------ Conciliation, Commissioners of, appro- priation for salaries and expenses- - Conconully Cemetery Association, Wash., sale of certain land in Okanogan County to--------------------- Confederate Veterans. See United Con- federate Veterans. Conferences, Expositions, etc. See also International Obligations. American Negro Exposition- Appropriation authorized--------- Appropriation for-------------- Auxiliary commission, appointment_ Appropriation for- American Negro Exposition------- Gallipolis Sesquicentennial Commis- sion----------------------- General Disarmament Conference --- Indian Life, First Inter-American Congress on -------------- Jefferson, Thomas, U. S . Commission for Celebration of Two Hun- dredth Anniversary of Birth of-- Monetary and Economic Conference, International ---------------- Pan American Child Congress, Eighth---------------------- 570 892 620 176 575 705 220 631 220 631 84 651 90 1037 651 651 XXV Commodity Credit Corporation-Con. Page Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations author- ized ------------------------ 57, 60 Commodity Exchange Act: Amendment- "Commodity," definition---------- 1059 Appropriation for enforcement----- 558, 1115 Communications Act of 1934, Amend- ments: Federal Communications Commission, extension of time for report on radio requirements for Great Lakes, etc., navigation -------------------- 54 National defense, rendering of free service in connection with, author-