Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/130

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 77 -APR . 6, 1940 Department of Commerce. Department of the Interior. 40 Stat. 1009. 50 Stat. 72 . 49 Stat. 1601 . 50 Stat. la For plant reserve stations, Soil Conservation Service, $20.63. For loans and relief in stricken agricultural areas (transfer to Agriculture), $98.68. For elimination of diseased cattle, Department of Agriculture, $171.53. For conservation and use of agricultural land resources, Depart- ment of Agriculture, $383.72. For payment to officers and employees of the United States in foreign countries due to appreciation of foreign currencies (Agri- culture), $13.59. For working fund, Agriculture, Animal Industry (Agricultural Adjustment Administration), $50. For National Industrial Recovery, Interior, soil-erosion preven- tion (transfer to Agriculture), $14.45. For National Industrial Recovery, Agricultural Adjustment Administration, $3.35. For loans to farmers in drought- and storm-stricken areas, emer- gency relief, $52.83 . Department of Commerce: For air-navigation facilities, $347.55. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navi- gation, $3.63. For research and development, National Bureau of Standards, $34. For National Industrial Recovery, Commerce, Aeronautics, $6.23. Department of the Interior: For National Park Service, $5.68. For Geological Survey, $77.46. For National Industrial Recovery, Interior, National Park Service, recreational-demonstration projects, $225.75. For miscellaneous expenses, Bureau of Fisheries, $10.30. For operations under Mineral Act of October 5, 1918, $11,962.57. For National Industrial Recovery, Interior, oil regulations, $5.27. For salaries and expenses, Division of Grazing Control, Depart- ment of the Interior, $200. For general expenses, General Land Office, $9.58. For petroleum administration (transfer to Interior), $2.76. For salaries and expenses, National Bituminous Coal Commission, Department of the Interior (transfer, Act April 26, 1937), $9.20. For salaries and expenses, Bureau of Biological Survey, $5.42. For salaries and expenses, Division of Investigations, Department of the Interior, $2.50. For temporary government for Virgin Islands, $4.10. For Reindeer Service, Alaska, $42.79. For protecting seal and salmon fisheries of Alaska, $1.50. For emergency conservation work (transfer to interior, Indians, Act June 22, 1936), $423.83. For construction, and so forth, irrigation systems, Indian reserva- tions (reimbursable), $71.01. For emergency conservation work (transfer to Interior, Indians, Act February 9, 1937), $4,469.87. For support of Indians and administration of Indian property, $1,407.07. For agriculture and stock raising among Indians, $123.20. For fulfilling treaties with Sioux of different tribes, including Santee Sioux of Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota, $28. For conservation of health among Indians, $898.92. For loans and relief in stricken agricultural areas (transfer from Agriculture to Interior, Indians), $62.61. For suppressing liquor traffic among Indians, $6.95. For clinical survey of disease conditions among Indians, $179.98. For Indian boarding schools, $13.65. For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, $2.64. 96 [54 STAT.