Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1360

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INDEX Navy Department-Continued. Page Airplanes-Continued. Contracts for, authorized- 283, 294, 609, 882 Flying of, to assigned stations, etc., transfer of funds authorized - - - - 882 Total number of, limited---- 394, 400, 780 Procurement of additional; condi- tion -------------------- - 780 American republics- Information, communication of cer- tain, authorized--------------- 396 Vessels of war, etc., for, construction authorized ------------------ 396 Appropriation for- Aeronautics, Bureau of------------- 31, 282, 289, 294, 296, 609, 648, 882, 973 Audited claims------------------ - 97, 102, 660, 663, 665, 1051, 1055 Collision damage claims ----------- 648 Compensation board -------------- 288 Construction and Repair, Bureau of. See also Ships, Bureau of, infra- 29, 272, 289, 293, 296, 605 Contingent expenses--------------- 33, 266,289, 297, 610, 883,973 Damage claims - --- 89, 93, 657, 1043, 1047 Emergency fund------------------ 610 Emergency fund for the President_- - 297 Emergency national defense------ 292 Engineering, Bureau of. See also Ships, Bureau of, infra -------- 29, 272, 289, 293, 296, 605 Examining and retiring boards ----- 288 Funeral expenses of Navy personnel and certain civilian employees, authorized-------------------- 144 General Board-------------------- 288 Historical and naval documents, printing -----------


290 Hydrographic Office--------------- 82, 33, 288, 290, 297, 610, 973 Inspection and Survey, Board of..- - 288 Judge Advocate General, Office of-- 32, 288 Judgments -------- 93, 94, 657, 658, 1048 Lepers, care of, Guam; transfer to Culion, P. I

266 Marine Corps -------------------- 31, 283, 295, 296, 609, 648, 881, 882,973 Medicine and Surgery, Bureau of --- 30, 32,278, 289, 296, 606, 876 Care of the dead--------- 31,279,296 Medical Department ------------ 30, 278, 296, 606,876 Salaries----------------------- 296 Miscellaneous expenses-. . 265, 604, 875, 972 Naval Communications, Office of Director of------------- 32, 288 883 Naval Intelligence, Office of--- 32, 288, 296 Naval Observatory- . . 32, 33,288,291, 610 Navy Department-Continued. Page Appropriation for-Continued. Naval Operations, Office of Chief of - 32, 288, 610, 883, 973 Naval petroleum reserves, operation and conservation ----------- 267, 648 Naval Records and Library, Office of- 288 Naval Research Laboratory ------- 266 Naval vessels- Alterations--------- 286, 295, 609, 882 Auxiliaries and patrol craft, acquisi- tion, etc------------------- 610 Replacement ----- 36, 286, 295, 609, 882 Navigation, Bureau of------------- 28, 32, 267, 288, 292, 295, 604, 610, 875 Instruments and supplies--- 29, 269, 604 Naval Academy----------------- 270 Naval Home, Philadelphia, Pa---- 271 Naval Reserve------------------ 29, 270, 276,292, 604, 875 Ocean and lake surveys--------- 29, 269 Salaries-------------------------295 State marine schools------------- 269 Training, education, and welfare-- 28, 267, 295, 875 Ordnance, Bureau of-------------- 29, 273, 289, 293, 296, 605, 876, 972 Printing and binding-------------- 33, 290, 296, 297, 883, 973 Prison farms and personnel--------- 267 Salaries ----------- 32, 288, 296, 610, 883 Secretary, Office of the. 28, 32, 89, 265, 288, 292,296, 604, 610, 648, 875, 883, 972, 1043 Ships, Bureau of. See also Construc- tion and Repair, Bureau of; En- gineering, Bureau of, supra-_ - 876, 972 Maintenance -------------- - 876 Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of--- 30, 32, 274, 289, 293, 295, 605, 610, 876, 972 Clothing and small-stores fund-- - 278, 295, 605 Fuel and transportation -- 30, 278, 605 Maintenance--- 30, 277, 295, 605, 876, 972 Naval supply account fund -- 278, 605 Pay, subsistence, and transporta- tion------------- 30, 274, 293, 295 Reserve material------------- 605, 972 Salaries-- --------------------- 295 Yards and Docks, Bureau of ------- 31, 279, 289, 293, 296, 606, 876, 972 Contingent expenses------------ 31,280 Maintenance---------- 31, 279, 606, 876 Public works--- ---------------- 31, 280, 293, 296, 606, 876, 972 Appropriations, Departmental use limited---------------- --- 287,290 Arms, ammunition, etc., transfer of U. S. -owned, certification of Chief of Naval Operations required---- 681