Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/188

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 130, 131-APR. 22, 1940 Camps. Auxiliary organiza- tions. Authority of agen- cies. Exclusive rights to name. Termination on death of last member. Provisos. Continuance if an- nual encampments no longer held. Property rights, ete. Disposition and fu- ture ownership of property. Third. Through such camps as may have been heretofore or may be hereafter organized, their officers, and committees. Fourth. Through such auxiliary organizations by whatever name or designation as have been heretofore or may hereafter be author- ized by the national encampment. Such department encampments and auxiliary organizations shall be subject and subordinate in authority to the national encampment, and such camps shall be also subject to such control exercised through the department encampment and department officers of the particular department to which it belongs. SEo. 7 . Said corporation and its State and local subdivisions shall have the sole and exclusive rights to have and to use in carrying out its purposes the name "United Spanish War Veterans." SEC. 8. The corporate existence of United Spanish War Veterans and the exclusive rights of its surviving members to wear the insignia of membership therein shall terminate only when the last of its mem- bers dies: Provided, however, That if, at any national encampment hereafter held, a memorial shall be adopted by the vote of three- fourths of the members present reciting that because of the decrease in its membership, or because of the age and infirmity of its surviving members, it no longer is advisable and practicable to hold future annual national encampments, such action shall not operate to deprive said organization of any of its corporate powers; but the government thereof may be modified to provide for such contingency subject to the restrictions contained in section 3 of this Act: Provided further, That nothing in this Act shall in any manner affect the right or the power of such camps or departments to dispose of or otherwise affect the ownership of property held by any camp or department in its own name, nor affect the right of such camps or departments to organize corporations under State laws for the purpose of caring for and disposing of such property. SEC. 9. The national encampment may, by resolution, provide for the disposition and future ownership of its property and archives, and may declare the event in which such disposition shall become effective and such ownership vested, and a duly authenticated copy of such resolutions shall be filed in the office of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. Upon the happening of the event thus declared, and upon the filing of a petition in said Supreme Court reciting said facts, said court shall take jurisdiction thereof and, upon due proof being made, the court shall enter a decree which shall be effectual to vest title and ownership in accordance with the provisions of such resolution. Approved, April 22, 1940. [CHAPTER 131] AN ACT April 22, 1940 [H. R . 8262] To regulate, in the District of Columbia, the disposal of certain refuse, and for [Public, No. 474] other purposes. Disposal of certain refuse, D. C . Acts repealed. 30 Stat. 231; 32 Stat. 74. 20 D. C. Code, ch. 5, pt. VII. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Acts of Congress entitled "An Act to regulate, in the District of Columbia, the disposal of certain refuse, and for other purposes", approved January 25, 1898, and "An Act to amend an Act entitled 'An Act to regulate, in the District of Columbia, the disposal of certain refuse, and for other purposes', approved January 25, 1898", approved March 20, 1902, are hereby repealed. [54 STAT.