Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/202

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PUBLIC LAWS--CHS. 157-159--APR . 25 , 26, 1940 [54 STAT. [CHAPTER 157] April 25, 1940 [S. J. Res. 218] [Pub. Res., No. 65] Inaugural ceremo- nies, 1941. Temporary quarter- ing of troops in public buildings during, au - thorized. 32 Stat. 152. 40 U. S.C. §§.19,31 . April 25, 1940 [H. J. Res. 289] [Pub. Res., No. 661 Osage Act, amend- ment. State tax upon oil and gas produced in Osage County, Okla.; exception. To be in lieu ofother State taxes. Rate, on royalty interests. Conditional provi- sion. JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the quartering, in certain public buildings in the District of Columbia, of troops participating in the inaugural ceremonies. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Administrator of the Federal Works Agency or head of any executive department or establishment is authorized to allocate such space in any public build- ing under his care and supervision as he deems necessary for the purposes of quartering troops participating in the inaugural cere- monies to be held on January 20, 1941, but such use shall not continue after January 22, 1941. Authority granted by this joint resolution may be exercised notwithstanding the provisions of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Appropriation Act for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1903, approved April 28, 1902, prohibiting the use of public buildings in connection with inaugural ceremonies. Approved, April 25, 1940. [CHAPTER 158] JOINT RESOLUTION To amend section 5 of Public Law Numbered 360, Sixty-sixth Congress. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 5 of the Osage Act (S. 4039, Public, Numbered 360, Sixty-sixth Congress; 41 Stat. 1249) be amended to read as follows: "SEO. 5 . That the State of Oklahoma is authorized from and after the passage of this Act to levy and collect a gross-production tax, not to exceed the existing rate, upon all oil and gas produced in Osage County, Oklahoma, except as herein otherwise provided, and all taxes so collected shall be paid and distributed, and shall be in lieu of all other State and county taxes levied upon the production of oil and gas as provided by the laws of Oklahoma. The gross- production tax on the royalty interests of the Osage Indians shall be at the rate levied by said State but in no event to exceed 5 per centum and said tax shall be paid by the Secretary of the Interior, through the proper officers of the Osage Agency, to the State of Oklahoma from the amount received by the Osage Indians from the production of oil and gas to be distributed in like manner as gross- production tax under the laws of said State and the Secretary shall pay the tax herein authorized upon the condition and not otherwise that An additional one-fifth of said sum or sums paid by the Secre- tary in pursuance of this Act shall be delivered over to Osage County, Okahoma, at the same time or times as the other payment or pay- ments herein provided for are made to said county, one-half thereof to be apportioned to a fund to be used by said county only for the construction and maintenance of roads and bridges therein, the other one-half thereof to be used for the maintenance of common schools of said county as provided by law." Approved, April 25, 1940. [CHAPTER 159] Apri26,1940 AN ACT [ Rb.N3406] For forest protection against the white-pine blister rust, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the rWhite-pine blister United States of America in Congress assembled, That to promote pCoperative forest the stability of white-pine forest-using industries, employment, and protection measures against, authorized. communities through the continuous supply of white- and sugar- pine timber, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized in cooperation