Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/284

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[54 STAT. PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 277, 278-JUNE 8, 1940 Administration,etc. 16U. .C.§§1-4; Supp. V, § 1,2. Provisos. Roads and trails. Coordination of recreational develop- ment. Issuance of revoca- ble licenses for rights- of-way. Acceptance by U. S . of lands, etc., for Blue Ridge or Natchez Trace Parkways. June 8, 1940 [H. R. 4832] [Public, No. 567] Preamble. Bald eagle. Taking, sale, etc., within U. S. forbid- den; exception. through Government-owned lands (except that where small parcels of Government-owned lands would otherwise be isolated, or where topographic conditions or scenic requirements are such that bridges, ditches, cuts, fills, parking overlooks, landscape development, recrea- tional and other facilities requisite to public use of said parkway could not reasonably be confined to a width of two hundred feet, the said maximum may be increased to such width as may be necessary, with the written approval of the department or agency having juris- diction over such lands) as designated on maps heretofore or here- after approved by the Secretary of the Interior, shall be known as the Blue Ridge Parkway and shall be administered and maintained by the Secretary of the Interior through the National Park Service, sub- ject to the provisions of the Act of Congress approved August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535), entitled 'An Act to establish a National Park Service, and for other purposes', the provisions of which Act, as amended and supplemented, are hereby extended over and made appli- cable to said parkway: Provided, That the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized, with the concurrence of the Secretary of the Interior, to connect with the parkway such roads and trails as may be necessary for the protection, administration, or utilization of adja- cent and nearby national forests and the resources thereof: And Pro- vided further, That the Forest Service and the National Park Service shall, insofar as practicable, coordinate and correlate such recreational development as each may plan, construct, or permit to be constructed, on lands within their respective jurisdictions which, by mutual agree- ment, should be given special treatment for recreational purposes. "SEC. 2. In the administration of the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Secretary of the Interior may issue revocable licenses or permits for rights-of-way over, across, and upon parkway lands, or for the use of parkway lands by the owners or lessees of adjacent lands, for such purposes and under such nondiscriminatory terms, regulations, and conditions as he may determine to be not inconsistent with the use of such lands for parkway purposes. "SEC. 3. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to approve and accept, on behalf of the United States, title to any lands and interests in land heretofore or hereafter con- veyed to the United States for the purposes of the Blue Ridge or the Natchez Trace Parkways, or for recreational areas in connection therewith." Approved, June 8, 1940. [CHAPTER 278] AN ACT For the protection of the bald eagle. Whereas the Continental Congress in 1782 adopted the bald eagle as the national symbol; and Whereas the bald eagle thus became the symbolic representation of a new nation under a new government in a new world; and Whereas by that Act of Congress and by tradition and custom during the life of this Nation, the bald eagle is no longer a mere bird of biological interest but a symbol of the American ideals of freedom; and Whereas the bald eagle is now threatened with extinction: Therefore Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That whoever, within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, except the Territory of Alaska, without being permitted so to do as hereinafter provided, shall take, possess, sell, purchase, 250