Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/674

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 437-JUNE 27, 1940 Japanese beetle con- trol. Ante, p. 551 . Control of insect pests and plant dis- eases. 53 Stat. 962. Ante, p. 86 . 7U.S.C., Supp.V, §§148-148e. Proviso. White-fringed beetle. BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE Japanese beetle control: For an additional amount for the control and prevention of spread of the Japanese beetle, fiscal year 1941, $30,000. Control of incipient and emergency outbreaks of insect pests and plant diseases: For an additional amount to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry out the provisions of and for expenditures authorized by the joint resolution approved May 9, 1938 (52 Stat. 344), fiscal year 1940, $800,000, to remain available until June 30, 1941: Provided, That no part of this sum allocated for expenditure in con- nection with the control and prevention of spread of the white- fringed beetle shall be used in any State without the request of the Governor of such State. FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE Subscriptions to Subscriptions to capital stock: For an additional amount for use capital stock. by the Secretary of the Treasury at such times and in such amounts as the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation may request, for the purpose of subscribing to and paying for the capital stock of said 2 t. s.c.supp. v Corporation, as provided for in section 504 of the Federal Crop 51504. Insurance Act, approved February 16, 1938, fiscal year 1941, Payment for stock. $20,000,000: Provided, That the payment for said stock shall be effected by transfer of funds on the books of the Treasury Department to the credit of the Corporation. FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE CORPORATION Administrative ex- penses. Ante, p. 569. Departmental sal- aries and expenses. Ante, p. 193. Albert C. Crandall. Payment to. Departmental sal- aries. Ante, p. 195. Salaries and expenses, Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation: The amount of the funds of the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation made available for administrative expenses for the fiscal year 1941 by the Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1941, is hereby increased by $1,700,000. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE Departmental salaries and expenses: For an additional amount for the fiscal year 1941 for salaries and other necessary expenditures of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce at the seat of gov- ernment, including the objects specified under this head in the Depart- ment of Commerce Appropriation Act, 1941, $50,000, and the limita- tion specified under this head in said Act for personal services in the District of Columbia is hereby increased to $1,375,000. BUREAU OF MABINE INSPECTION AND NAVIGATION Salaries, Steamboat Inspection Service: For an additional amount for the fiscal year 1896 for payment of additional salary due Albert C. Crandall, 109 Saint Botolph Street, Boston, Massachusetts, for services rendered as an employee of the Treasury Department, Steam- boat Inspection Service, during the period July 1, 1895, to June 30, 1896, inclusive, certified for payment by the Acting Comptroller Gen- eral of the United States in certificate of settlement numbered 0575801 (claim number 0 83 3558-Commerce), dated January 18, 1940, $250. Departmental salaries: For an additional amount for personal services in the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation in the District of Columbia, fiscal year 1941, $40,640. 640 [54 STAT.