642 PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 437-JUNE 27, 1940 [54 STAT. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Printing and bind. Printing and binding, Department of the Interior: For an addi- ing . tional amount for printing and binding for the Department of the Interior, fiscal year 1937, $110. GENERAL LAND OFFICE Registers. Registers: For an additional amount for salaries and commissions of registers of district land offices, fiscal year 1938, $57.85. BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Purchase, etc., of Purchase and transportation of Indian supplies: For additional dian suppies. amounts for expenses of purchase and transportation of goods and supplies for the Indian Service for the following fiscal years: For 1936, $1,500; For 1937, $600; For 1938, $30,000; For 1939, $160,000. Wind River Reser- Purchase of land, Wind River Reservation, Wyoming (tribal ^Purchaseoland. funds): Not to exceed $150,000 of the amount authorized by section v25s. c., supp. 3 of the Act of July 27, 1939 (53 Stat. 1130), to be expended from the tribal funds of the Shoshone Indians, Wyoming, is hereby made available for the purchase within Hot Springs County, Wyoming, of lands or interests therein, together with improvements thereon, including water rights or surface rights to lands, located outside the ceded portion of the Wind River Reservation but adjacent thereto, and owned by holders of grazing permits covering undisposed of surplus or ceded lands within said portion of the reservation, such 25 U. s. C., Supp. purchases to be made subject to the provisions of section 6 of the V,5 6 76. Act of July 27, 1939, supra. Constructionandre- Construction and repair: For an additional amount for construc- par, Alska. tion and repair, Alaska, hospital and quarters, fiscal year 1940, 53 Stat. 711. including the same objects specified under this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1940, $20,000. tQin elt Rh.setra- Compensation of attorneys, Quinaielt Reservation, Washington: tion, Wash., attor- neys. For payment to the attorneys of record for certain Quinaielt Indians, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of March 9, 1940 Ane, p.48. (Public, Numbered 430, Seventy-sixth Congress), fiscal year 1940, $20,107.16, to remain available until June 30, 1941. Oka., attorneyd.ns Compensation of attorneys, Osage Indians, Oklahoma (tribal funds): For compensation o an attorney or attorneys for the Osage Indians employed under a contract approved by the Secretary of the Interior on February 18, 1938, $25,000, payable from funds on deposit to the credit of the Osage Indians. MenomineeIndians Menominee Indians in Wisconsin: The Secretary of the Interior Per capita pay- is hereby authorized and directed to withdraw from the Treasury ments. of the United States during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941, the sum of $105,000 of any funds on deposit to the credit of the Menominee Indians in Wisconsin, and to expend such sum, or as much thereof as may be necessary, for making a per capita payment of $50 to each enrolled member of the Menominee Tribe, such per capita payments to be made in two equal monthly installments during Ie o. tmbe July and September 1940: Provided, That such per capita payment payments. shall be in lieu of the payments authorized by th e Act of June 15, 1934 (48 Stat. 964), for the fair market stumpage value of timber cut on the Menominee Reservation during the fiscal years 1940 and aimbnaent. 1941: Providedfurther, That the amounts expended for making such per capita payment shall be reimbursed to the tribal funds utilized