Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/732

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 457-JUNE 29, 1940 Citizenship require- of Chiropodists and approved by the Board. Any license issued to a ment. person who is a citizen of a foreign country and who has duly declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States shall automati- cally terminate and the registration of the candidate be annulled in the event such candidate shall fail to submit to the Board satisfactory evidence within six years from the date of such license that he has application form, become a citizen of the United States. Such application must be upon the form prescribed by the Board, verified by oath, and accom- panied by the required fee and a recent unmounted autographed photo- eminnual exam- graph of the applicant. The Board shall hold in January and July of each year, in such place as it may designate, examinations to determine the fitness of applicants for licenses under this Act. Applation for i- "(a) If such application be for a license after examination, the cense after examina- tion. applicant shall appear before the Board at its first meeting after the filing of his application, and pass a satisfactory examination, consist- ing of practical demonstrations and written and oral test, in the following subjects as the same shall be taught in the recognized podi- atry colleges: Anatomy, physiology, pathology, bacteriology, chem- istry, materia medica, surgery, therapeutics, diagnosis and treatment, clinical and orthopedic podiatry, and any other of such subjects as the Board may determine. Without examin- "(b) If such application be for a license without examination by tio. virtue of a license issued by a State, Territory, or other jurisdic- tion forming a part of the United States, or by a foreign country, the applicant shall furnish proof satisfactory to the Board that he holds a valid license from a similar podiatry board, with requirements equal to those of the District of Columbia, and that he has been in the lawful and reputable practice of podiatry in the State or Terri- tory or foreign country from which he applies for five consecutive Pro. years next prior to filing his application: Provided, That the laws of such State or Territory or foreign country accord equal rights to a podiatrist of the District of Columbia who desires to practice his profession in such State or Territory or foreign country. License conclusive "SEC. 6. If such applicant passes the examination, or furnishes evidece of right to the information required of applicants for license without exami- nation, he shall receive a license from the Board, attested by its seal, signed by the members of the Board, which after being registered with the health officer shall be conclusive evidence of his right to Loss of license. practice podiatry in the District of Columbia. If the loss of a license is satisfactorily shown, a duplicate thereof shall be issued by the Board upon payment of the required fee. Revocation, etc., of "SEC. 7. The District Court of the United States for the District ense; cause of Columbia may revoke or suspend the license of any podiatrist in the District of Columbia upon proof satisfactory to said court- "(a) That said license or registration was procured through fraud or misrepresentation. "(b) That the holder thereof has been convicted of a felony. "(c) That the holder thereof is guilty of chronic or persistent inebriety, or addiction to drugs "(d) That the holder thereof is guilty of advertising professional superiority or the performance of professional services in a superior manner; advertising prices for professional service; advertising by means of large display, glaring light signs, or containing as a part thereof the representation of the human foot or leg or any part thereof; employing or making use of solicitors or free publicity press agents, directly or indirectly; or advertising any free podiatry work, or free examination; or advertising to guarantee podiatry service. "(e That such holder is guilty of hiring, supervising, permitting or aiding unlicensed persons to practice podiatry. 698 [54 STAT.