Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/76

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[54 STAT. PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 40-MAR . 4, 1940 section 18; thence north along the range line between ranges 30 and 31 east, township 13 south to the northeast corner of section 13, township 13 south, range 30 east; thence west along the line between sections 12 and 13 to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 12; thence north to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said section 12; thence west to the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 11; thence north to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said section 11; thence west along the line between sections 2 and 11 to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 11; thence south to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 11; thence west to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 11; thence north along the line between sections 10 and 11 and 2 and 3 to the intersection with the ridge of southeast spur of Stag Dome; thence in a northwesterly direction along the crest of said spur to the summit of Stag Dome; thence in a northerly direction along the crest of the hydrographic divide between Lewis Creek and Deer Cove and Grizzly Creek to its intersection with Monarch Divide at Hog- Back Peak; thence in a westerly direction along the crest of Monarch Divide, to its junction with the northwesterly spur of Mount Har- rington; thence northwesterly along the crest of hydrographic divide on the southwest side of the Gorge of Despair to the inter- section with the line between sections 12 and 13, township 12 south, range 29 east; thence continuing west along the line between sec- tions 12 and 13, 11 and 14 to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said section 11; thence northerly to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said section 11; thence east to the quarter section corner of sec- tions 11 and 12; thence north to the southeast corner of the north- east quarter of the northeast quarter of said section 11; thence east to the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 12; thence north to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 12; thence east to the quarter section corner of sections 1 and 12; thence north to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said section 1; thence east to the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said section 1; thence north to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter of the south- east quarter of said section 1; thence east to the quarter section corner of sections 1 and 6; thence north along the range line between the ranges 29 and 30 east, township 12 south, to the northeast corner of said section 1, township 12 south, range 29 east; thence east along the township line between townships 11 and 12 south, range 30 east to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 31, township 11 south, range 30 east; thence north to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of said section 31; thence west to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 36, town- ship 11 south, range 29 east; thence south to the quarter section corner of sections 1 and 36; thence west along the township line between townships 11 and 12 south, range 29 east to the northwest corner of section 1, township 12 south, range 29 east; thence south to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of said section 1; thence west to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 2; thence south to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the south- west quarter of said section 2; thence west to the northwest corner 42