Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/789

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54 STAT.] 76TH CONG., 3D SESS.-CH. 581 -JULY 11, 1940 755 and shall make a comprehensive report for the prevention or reduc- tion of stream pollution therein. In preparing such report, the Commission shall confer with any national or regional planning body which may be established, and any department of the Federal Government authorized to deal with matters relating to the pollution problems of the District. The Commission shall draft and recom- mend to the governors of the various signatory States uniform legis- lation dealing with the pollution of rivers, streams and waters and other pollution problems within the District. The Commission shall consult with and advise the various States, communities, municipali- ties, corporations, persons, or other entities with regard to particular problems connected with the pollution of waters, particularly with regard to the construction of plants for the disposal of sewage, indus- trial and other waste. The Commission shall, more than one month prior to any regular meeting of the legislature of any State which is a party thereto, present to the governor of the State its recommenda- tions relating to enactments to be made by any legislature in further- ing the intents and purposes of this compact. " ARTICLE IX "The Commission may from time to time, after investigation and after a hearing, issue an order or orders upon any municipality, cor- poration, person, or other entity discharging sewage or industrial waste into the Ohio River or any other river, stream or water, any part of which constitutes any part of the boundary line between any two or more of the signatory States, or into any stream any part of which flows from any portion of one signatory State through any portion of another signatory State. Any such order or orders may prescribe the date on or before which such discharge shall be wholly or partially discontinued, modified or treated or otherwise disposed of. The Commission shall give reasonable notice of the time and place of the hearing to the municipality corporation or other entity against which such order is proposed. No such order shall go into effect unless and until it receives the assent of at least a majority of the commissioners from each of not less than a majority of the signa- tory States; and no such order upon a municipality, corporation, person or entity in any State shall go into effect unless and until it receives the assent of not less than a majority of the commissioners from such state. "It shall be the duty of the municipality, corporation, person or other entity to comply with any such order issued against it or him by the Commission, and any court of general jurisdiction or any United States district court in any of the signatory States shall have the jurisdiction, by mandamus, injunction, specific performance or other form of remedy, to enforce any such order against any munici- pality, corporation or other entity domiciled or located within such State or whose discharge of the waste takes place within or adjoining such State, or against any employe, department or subdivision of such municipality, corporation, person or other entity; provided, however, such court may review the order and affirm, reverse or modify the same upon any of the grounds customarily applicable in proceedings for court review of administrative decisions. The Com- mission or, at its request, the Attorney General or other law enforcing official, shall have power to institute in such court any action for the enforcement of such order. "ARTICLE X "The signatory States agree to appropriate for the salaries, office and other administrative expenses, their proper proportion of the