Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/94

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 71-MAR . 25, 1940 Refunds and draw- backs. Refunds and drawbacks: For the refund or payment of customs collections or receipts, and for the payment of debentures or draw- backs, bounties, and allowances, as authorized by law, $14,200,000. OFFICE OF TREASURER OF TE UJNITED STATES Salaries. Salaries: For Treasurer of the United States, Assistant Treasurer, and for other personal services in the District of Columbia, $1,248,920. Redeeming Federal Salaries (Reimbursable): For personal services in the District of Reserve and national currency. Columbia, in redeeming Federal Reserve and national currency, $58,000, to be reimbursed by the Federal Reserve and national banks. Transferoffunds. With the approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, there may be transferred sums (not exceeding a total of $650,000) to the appropriations, "Salaries, Office of Treasurer of the United A"te, pp. 66,57. States, 1941' "Contingent expenses, Treasury Department, 1941", "Printing and binding, Treasury Department, 1941", and "Stationery, Treasury Department, 1941", from funds available for the Agricul- tural Adjustment Administration, Home Owners' Loan Corporation, Farm Credit Administration, Tennessee Valley Authority, Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Federal land banks and other banks and corporations under the supervision of the Farm Credit Administration, Railroad Retirement Board, Soil Conservation Service, including Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment, Social Security Board, Federal Housing Admin- istration, United States Housing Authority, Civilian Conservation Corps, Public Works Administration, Commodity Credit Corpora- tion, Rural Electrification Administration, and corporations and banks under the Federal Home Loan Bank Board to cover the expenses incurred on account of such respective activities in clearing of checks, servicing of bonds, handling of collections, and rendering of accounts therefor. OFFICE OF THE COMIPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Salaries. Ante, p. 56. Salaries and ex- penses. Post, pp. 653, 1045. Commissioner As- sistant General Coun- sel, and other per- sonal services. Securing of evidenc of law violations. Miscellaneous ex- penses. Salaries: Comptroller of the Currency and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $245,500. BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE Salaries and expenses: For salaries and expenses in connection with the assessment and collection of internal-revenue taxes and the administration of the internal-revenue laws, including the adminis- tration of such provisions of other laws as are authorized by or pur- suant to law to be administered by or under the direction of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, including the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Assistant General Counsel for the Bureau of Internal Revenue, an assistant to the Commissioner, a special deputy commissioner, five deputy commissioners, one stamp agent (to be reim- bursed by the stamp manufacturers), and the necessary officers, col- lectors, deputy collectors, attorneys, experts, agents, accountants, inspectors, investigators, chemists, supervisors, storekeeper-gaugers, guards, clerks, anitors, and messengers in the District of Columbia, the several collection districts, the several divisions of internal- revenue agents and the several supervisory districts, to be appointed as provided by law; the securing of evidence of violations of the Acts, the cost of chemical analyses made by others than employees of the United States and expenses incident to such chemists testify- ing when necessary; telegraph and telephone service, rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, postage, freight, express, neces- [54 STAT.