Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1099

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAr. June 29, 1940 [E. A. S.No. 175] Agreement between the United States of America and Argentina re- specting military aviation instructors. Signed June 29, 1940; effective June 29, 1940. The President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority conferred by the Act of Congress, approved May 19, 1926, as amended by an Act of Congress, May 14, 1935, having authorized the detail of United States Army Air Corps officers to assist the Argentine War Depart- ment, the following conditions are agreed between the Ambassador of the Argentine Republic at Washington, as representative and agent of the Argentine Ministry of War, hereinafter referred to as the Party of the First Part, and the Acting Secretary of War of the United States of America as repre- sentative and agent of certain officers of the Air Corps, United States Army, hereinafter referred to as the Parties of the Second Part or as Officers of the Regular Army of the United States of America who have been detailed to their duties by the Secretary of War of the United States after approval of the compensation and emoluments herein stipulated. TITLE I DUTIES AND DURATION Habiendo el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America, por virtud de la autoridad conferida por Ley del Congreso aprobada el 19 de Mayo de 1926 y reformada por Ley del Congreso del 14 de Mayo de 1935, autorizado la de- signaci6n de oficiales del Cuerpo Aereo del Ej6rcito de los E.E . U.U ., para cooperar con el Minis- terio de Guerra de la Republica Argentina, se aceptan las condi- ciones que a continuaci6n se ex- presan y que han sido convenidas entre el Embajador de la Repu- blica Argentina en Washington como representante y agente del Ministerio de Guerra de la Repi- blica Argentina, en adelante refe- rido como la Primera Parte con- tratante y el Ministro de Guerra Interino de los Estados Unidos de America como representante y agente de los oficiales del Cuerpo Aereo del Ejercito de los E.E . U.U . en adelante referidos como las Segundas Partes o como los oficiales del Ejercito Regular de los Estados Unidos de America, previa aprobaci6n de la remunera- ci6n y emolumentos aqui estipula- dos. TITULO I OBLIGACIONES Y DURACI6N Article 1. The Parties of the Second Part hereby agree: a) To place at the disposal of the Party of the First Part all Articulo 1°. Por el presente con- trato las Segundas Partes se com- prometen a: a) Poner a disposici6n de la Primera Parte todos sus conoci- 44 Stat. 565; 49 Stat. 218. 10U. S.C.i540; Supp. V, § 540. Duties and dura- tion. 2320