Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1240

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54 STAT.] SWITZERLAND-RECIPROCAL TRADE-NOV. 28,1940 Proclamationby the President of the United States of America, respecting the terminationin part of concession on handkerchiefs, issued Novem- ber 28, 1940 pursuant to article XVI of the reciprocaltrade agreement between the United States of America and Switzerland signed January 9, 1936. And related notes. BY TH PESIDENT OF THE UNrrED STATES OF AMImcA. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (United States Code, 1934 ed., title 19, sec- tion 1351), I entered into a foreign Trade Agreement on January 9, 1936' with the Swiss Federal Council, which Agreement I did pro- claim and make public by my proclamations of January 9, 1936 and May 7, 1936, and which Agreement is now in force; WHE:EAS, Article II of the said Agreement provides as follows: "Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of Switzer- land enumerated and described in Schedule II annexed to this Agreement shall, on their importation into the United States of America, be exempt from ordinary customs duties in excess of those set forth and provided for in the said Schedule. The said articles shall also be exempt from all other duties, taxes, fees, charges or exactions, imposed on or in connection with importation, in excess of those imposed on the day of the sig- nature of this Agreement or required to be imposed thereafter under laws of the United States of America in force on the day of the signature of this Agreement." WHEREAs, Schedule II annexed to the said Agreement provides in part as follows: United States Tariff Act of 3araph D0ptonorte Paragraph Description of Articles Rate of Duty 2461 November 28, 1940 [E. A . 8. No.193] Preamble. 48 Stat. 943; 50 Stat. 24; ante, . 107. 19 u.s. c . §.1351- 1354; Supp. V, 1352. 49 Stat. 3917, 398, 3959. 1529 (b) Handkerchiefs, wholly or in part of machine- made lace; handkerchiefs embroidered (whether with a plain or fancy initial, monogram, or otherwise, and whether or not the embroidery is on a scalloped edge), tamboured, appliqued, or from which threads have been omitted, drawn, punched, or cut, and with threads introduced after weaving to finish or ornament the open- work, not including one row of straight hem- stitching adjoining the hem; any of the fore- going, finished or unfinished, which contain no handmade lace and which are not embroidered or tamboured in any part by hand: Composed wholly or in chief value of cotton Composed wholly or in chief value of vege- table fiber other than cotton: If finished and valued at 80 cents or more per dozen If unhemmed andwithout any finished edge, and valued at 45 cents or more per dozen [Executive Agreement Series No. 90.] 49 Stat S. 2¢ each and 30% ad val. 25 each and 30% ad val 2¢ each and 30% ad vaL