Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1269

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2490 Extension of visa re- quirement. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. d'autres pieces d'identit6 admises A en tenir lieu. Dans les cas prevus par le Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres, les passeports ou autres pieces d'identite doivent etre vises. Se referant Ala note verbale de la Legation en date du 4 septembre 1939 le Ministre de Suede a l'honneur de porter A la connaissance de l'Honorable, le Secr6taire d'Etat des Etats-Unis que le Ministre du Roi des Affaires Etrangeres, en raison de la situation actuelle, s'est vu dans la ncessite d'etendre aux personnes des categories vis6es ci- dessus au premier alin6a l'obligation du visa A l'exception toutefois des ressortissants danois, finlandais, islandais et norvegiens. Les contr6leurs des passeports ont en consequence requ l'ordre de s'assurer, a partirdu ler octobre 1939, que les passeports ou autres pieces d'iden- tite des dites personnes sont munis d'un visa. Le Ministre de Suede desire ajouter que les visas d'entree et les visas de sejour A d6livrer aux agents diplomatiques et aux agents consulaires de carriere, aux membres de leurs families et A leurs gens de service seront, sous reserve de reciprocite, libelles de maniere A permettre aux interesses de faire un nombre illimite de voyages en Suede et que leur d6livrance aura lieu A titre gratuit. WASHINGTON le 5 octobre 1939. [Translation] LEGATION OF SWEDEN WASHINGTON, D. C . According to the terms of article 59 of the decree of November 26, 1937, in which are set forth the regulations relative to the law of June 11, 1937 on the stay of foreigners in Sweden, the diplomatic agents and the consular agents of career of foreign powers in Sweden, as well as their families and their servants, must be provided with passports of their countries or other identification papers which are accepted in their stead. In the cases for which provision is made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the passports or other identification papers must bear a visa. With reference to the note verbale of the Legation of September 4, 1939, the Minister of Sweden has the honor to advise The Honorable the Secretary of State of the United States that His Majesty's Minister of Foreign Affairs, because of the existing situation, has been obliged to extend to the persons of the categories referred to above in the first paragraph the visa requirement, excepting, however, Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, and Norwegian nationals. Passport inspectors have there- fore been ordered to make sure, startingOctober 1, 1939, that passports or other identification papers of the said persons bear a visa. The Minister of Sweden wishes to add that entry visas and non- immigrant visas to be delivered to diplomatic agents and to consular agents of career, to the members of their families and to their servants shall, subject to reciprocity, be worded so as to permit the interested parties to make an unlimited number of journeys into Sweden and that they shall be delivered free of charge. WASHINTON, October 5, 199.