Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1285

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. in texts in the English, Spanish, Portuguese and French languages, which shall be deposited in the archives of the Pan American Union. The Secretary General of the Meeting shall transmit the original of the present Final Act to the Pan American Union through the intermediary of the Department of State of Cuba. RESERVATIONS: redactados en espafol, ingl6s, por- tugues y franc6s, que seran depo- sitados en los Archivos de la Uni6n Panamericana. El Secre- tario General de la Reuni6n re- mitira el original de la presente Acta a la Uni6n Panamericana, por mediaci6n de la Secretaria de Estado de Cuba. RESERVAS: Reservation of the Argentine Dele- Reserva de la Delegacion Argen- gation: tina: 2.- As to the Act of Habana: "The Delegate of the Argen- tine Republic in signing this Act places on record that it does not refer to or include the Mal- vinas Islands, because the latter do not constitute a colony or possession of any European na- tion, since they are a part of the Argentine territory and are in- cluded within its dominion and sovereignty, as was stated at the Panama meeting, which statement he considers reiter- ated hereby in its entirety, and also with reference to other southern Argentine regions as he has stated in the deliberations of this Commission. He like- wise states that the signing of this Act and Resolution does not affect and leaves intact his Government's powers estab- lished in the constitutional norms which obtain in Argen- tina, with respect to the pro- cedure applicable in order that this Act and Resolution may acquire validity, force and effec- tiveness." 2.- En cuanto al Acta de la Habana (XX): "El Delegado de la Repiblica Argentina al suscribir esta Acta, deja constancia de que ella no se refiere ni comprende a las Islas Malvinas porque estas no cons- tituyen colonia o posesi6n de naci6n europea alguna por hacer parte del territorio argentino y estar comprendidas en su domi- nio y soberania, segdn se destac6 en la Reuni6n de Panama, cuya declaraci6n da por reproducida en todo su contenido y tambien con relaci6n a otras regiones australes argentinas segun lo ha hecho presente en las delibera- ciones de esta Comisi6n. Igual- mente manifiesta que la firma de la presente Acta y Resoluci6n no afecta y deja intactas las fa- cultades del Gobierno estable- cidas en las normas constitucio- nales que rigen en la Argentina, sobre los procedimientos apli- cables para que esta Acta y Resoluci6n adquiera obligatorie- dad, fuerza y vigor". Reservations. 2506