Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1563

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INDEX Great Britain-Continued. State of war, proclamation of, with- Germany _ -- . __---

Italy ----------------------- Submarines of, restriction on use of U. S . ports or territorial waters----- 2668, Great Lakes Fisheries, establishment of Board of Inquiry for, agreement with Canada ------------------------- Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Waterway, agreement with Canada respecting-- Greece: Neutrality of U. S. in war with Italy- _- State of war with Italy, proclama- tion of ------------------------ Submarines of, restriction on use of U. S . ports or territorial waters-- Green, Clarence D., payment to-------- Greene, Clarence H. (MaJ.), payment to- Greenland, suspension of tonnage duties- Greenleaf, J. J ., payment to----------- Greenwood, Ernest Lyle, admission for permanent residence --- --------- Greenwood, Phyllis Joy, admission for permanent residence-------------- Guatemala, suspension of tonnage duties- Guillemette, Louis, payment to-------- Guise, Sally C., payment to---------- Guy, Stella S., payment to------------ H Haase, P. E ., credit in accounts of------ . Habana, Act of, provisional administration of European colonies and possessions in the Americas--- .-- ---- --- ---- Hagenson, Edward, consideration of dis- ability claim ------------------ Haiti: Financial agreement with----------- Tonnage duties, suspension of...- - -- - Hale, Lewis Marion Garrard, payment to estate of----------------------- Hall, Frank, payment to -------------- Hamilton, Ethel G., consideration of dis- ability claim-------------------- Hamilton, George C. (Mrs.), payment to- Hampton, LaVera, payment to--------- Hance, W. J., payment to------------- Handkerchiefs, proclamation respecting termination in part of reciprocal trade agreement with Switzerland- . .- - -- . Hannah, Frances M., payment to----- Hanson, Roland, payment to guardian of- Harcos, Bela A. (2d Lt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized------- Harder, Edna Justina, cancelation of deportation proceedings ---------- Harder, Elizabeth, cancelation of depor- tation proceedings---------------- 193470'-41 -PT . -- 08 Page 2671 2706 2672 2409 2426 2764 2763 2764 1311 1375 2751 1392 1382 1382 2753 1341 1334 1278 1330 2491 1321 2411 2755 1271 1387 1314 1396 1364 1361 2461 1303 1364 126( 1282 12M2 2779 Harder, Elsie Anna, cancelation of depor- Page tation proceedings ----------------- 1282 Harder, Irvin W., cancelation of depor- tation proceedings----------------- 1282 Harder, John L., cancelation of depor- tation proceedings ---------------- 1282 Harder, Paul William, cancelation of de- portation proceedings -------------- 1282 Harman, James Robert, honorable dis- charge from U. S . military service--- 1386 Harris, Arthur R. (Lt. Col.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ------- 1260 Harris, Lloyd S., payment to -----. - -- - 1323 Harrison, N. B ., credit in accounts of --- 1330 Hart, John P., payment to------------- 1376 Harvey, Alva L. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized------- 1260 Hawaii: Registration Day, proclamation------- 2745 U. S . District Court, corrections in enrollment of bill---------------- 1406 Hearon, James H., payment to--------- 1355 Heaton, F. W., payment to------------- 1377 Hecht, Erich, admission for permanent residence ------------------------ 1280 Hecht, Erich F., Jr., admission for per- manent residence ----------------- 1280 Hecht, Grete J. L., admission for per- manent residence------------------ 1280 Heidner, Samuel J. (Lt. Col.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized----- 1260 Heisey, H. F., credit in accounts of ----- 1330 Hendel, Janet, cancelation of order of deportatioln ---------------- --- 12S9 Hendel, Lenn. cnll(elt . ioln of order of delport.l ion - .. 1290 Hensley, Mat, jurisdiction of Court to hear claim .--. -- ---- .---- .

1298 Hermosa-Redondo Hospital, payment to- 1278 Hesterly, Norma E., cr edit in accounts of- 1329 Hicks, Don E. , payment to ------------ 1300 Hine, V. (Lt.), posthumous presentation of Distinguished Flying Cross to--- . 1267 Hines, John L. (Maj. Gen.), advancement on retired list of Army------------- 1286 Hirsch, Martha, admission for permanent residence------------------------- 1397 Hlinak, E. L ., credit in accounts of------ 1329 Hobson, C. S ., consideration of disability claim--------------------------- 1303 Hocker, Woodson F. (Capt.), acceptance of foreign decoration authorized ----- 1260 Hogan, Walter J, substitution of desig- nated amount as payment --------- 1280 Holland. Se Netherlands. Holmes, William H., credit in accoounts of- 1328 Holt, John R. (Ma.), payment to------- 1274 Honduras. agreement with, r1petk- M- change of official publi lob .. s.- -- -- 71 . ---