Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/333

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54 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATION-APR. 8, 1938 [639] (2) A mobile station which has no fixed working hours must advise the land station with which it is in communication of the closing and reopening hours of its service. [640] (3) (a) Any mobile station which arrives in a port and the service of which is accordingly about to close, must so advise the nearest land station and, if necessary, the other land stations with which it generally communi- cates. [641] It must not close until it has cleared all traffic on hand, unless the regulations of the country where it calls prohibit. [642] (b) At the time of its departure, it must advise the interested land station or stations of its reopening, as soon as such reopening is permitted by the regulations in force within the country in which the port of departure is located. C. AIRCRAFT STATIONS [643] §5. With respect to the international service of public corre- spondence, aircraft stations shall constitute a single category. These stations shall carry on a service the duration of which is not deter- mined by the present Regulations. D. CLASS AND MINIMUM NUMBER OF OPERATORS [644] §6. Concerning the international service of public correspond- ence of mobile stations, it shall devolve upon each contracting gov- ernment to take the appropriate steps to have the stations of its nationality carry adequate personnel to insure effective service dur- ing the hours which correspond to the category in which these sta- tions are classified; taking account of article 10, G, §9, the personnel of these stations must include at least: [645] 1. For ship stations of the first category, an operator hold- ing a first-class radiotelegraph operator's certificate; [646] 2. For ship stations of the second category, an operator holding a first- or second-class operator's certificate; [647] 3. (a) For ship stations of the third category, except in the cases provided for in paragraphs (b) and (c) below [Nos. 648 and 649], an operator holding a second-class radio- telegraph operator's certificate; [648] (b) For ship stations of which radiotelegraph equipment is not made compulsory by international agreements, an operator holding a special certificate covering the conditions contained in article 10, D, §6; [649] (c) For ship stations equipped with a low-power radiotelephone installation, an operator holding a radiotelephone operator's certificate covering the conditions contained in article 10, F, §8; [650] 4. (a) For aircraft stations, except in the cases provided for in paragraphs (b) and (c) below [Nos. 651 and 652], an operator holding a first- or second-class radiotele- graph operator's certificate, according to provisions of an internal character laid down by the government to which these stations are subject; 1553 Aircraft stations. Class and minhnum number of operators. Ante, p. 1487. Ante, p. 1485. Ante, p. 1487.